Chapter Fifteen And Just a Few More of Those Flat – Out … Betrayals of Trust
Chapter Fifteen
And Just a Few More of Those Flat – Out … Betrayals of
“Rule Number
One: Noooooo blasphemy!”
--- Warden Norton to Andy Dufresne and Ellis Boyd
“Red” Redding, inmates, Shawshank Prison, Maine
A 6” x 10”, buff – colored and padded mailer slipped out
sort of separating itself from among the other, various white business – sized
envelopes that comprised the contents of Tuesday’s mail as Herry flung it all
up on the west countertop alongside the white deskpad – type telephone wired there. No, the time being a wee bit past noon, he
did not turn then to me my belly to the sink and my elbows deep in soap suds,
wrap his incredibly muscular arms and torso around mine, brush aside by blonde
tresses and kiss the nape of my neck. I
only ever imagined that Herry did that.
As had AmTaham to the back of Mehitable’s head and neck countless
lunchtimes in a life I was once in and will never know again. Actually I can remember that exactly
zero is the number of times that that ever happened in any of my, O, 12
kitchens in Zane’s first ten years of
I never ate any food for the midday meal that noon. Instead a different item was served up to me
for lunch throughout that hour. And then
Herry was back to work about 10 minutes to 1.
The mailer was addressed to Herry in script he did not recognize nor did
I, on tiptoe glancing over his left shoulder so that I would be able to hear
with my right ear, a process of posturing and positioning I always needed to
assume with Herod if I were to find myself in the loop of things – and,
therefore, knowledgeable. The mailer
contained no return address on it at all.
It was a little bit bulky, certainly representing that there was an
object inside that made both our interests spike in anticipation of a gift or a
present or something cool, a thing we hadn’t expected to be given but now
freely coming into Herry’s possession.
I’ll say. That’s what it was all
right. Tangible, tactile, free and
certainly palpable. I am sure that the
rest of that particular day’s mail on that kitchen countertop went unnoticed
for some time to come.
Folks worldwide have different ideas on what constitutes
pornography. That is the argument always
presented, isn’t it, when legislating obscenity? As to why doing so – as to why making laws
about it – is supposedly ( … but not really … ) so difficult with
regard to what is and what is not porn.
Why stating that one knows it when one sees it doesn’t seem to fly so
much with folks who vociferously and ferociously make all manner of noise to be
certain that you know they are entitled to their rights. Their rights, their rights, their
rights. Their free – speech rights. Their mother – fucking ones or otherwise.
Folks worldwide have different ideas on what constitutes the
definitions of wife and family and what those meanings entail as far as
accountability, that is, those little things like intimacy and trust and
loyalty and placement and betrayal of same for all of the members in the couple
and in the family. On this newly
received book’s first page of text there appeared the proclamation biblically
written there in Genesis 2:18 just a bazillion Tuesdays ago by some squatty,
‘reverent’, ‘all – knowing’ (just as ‘the almighty’ is all – knowing) old –
testament dudes, “Then the Lord God said, ‘It is not good for man to be
alone.’” While on its front cover, other
than the ten, black words of its title, there appeared nothing more at all than
three objects. Three objects
that were two of the most seductively placed, sloe – eyed globes, brown
eyelashes and brown eyebrows above the shapeliest pair of painted and ruby red,
so – smiling lips on a white, stark naked background. The name of this particular priestly –
written piece of pornography, Why Am I Afraid To Tell You Who I Am?, at
over 3 million copies sold, appeared on its back cover, too, just above that
other book title by the same author, The Secret of Staying in Love, with
just half as many in print.
Must be that The Secret of Staying in Love is not
quite so widely distributed, huh, because the other 1½ million or so folks think like I
think: with what is a Roman Catholic
priest advising me on how to stay in love?
He (not she, ‘course) has the inside scoop, has he, on how to do that
and to be celibate too? That is,
celibate between the ears, the human body’s largest sex organ, as well he does,
this priest? A couple millennia of
christian backing and ‘supporting’ church laws and edicts allow for this godly,
though in reality, manly and allegedly virginal expertise, does it?
Whoa. Cute trick that
monk has up his sleeve or up somewhere else I am thinking. This advising of his, it seemed to me, would not be at all of
nearly the same nature as the counseling and training that those nuns were
medically authorized to administer back in New York City, the ones who attended
to mothers who’d been fucked and were, just right then, about to bear down and
bear forth past their laboring thighs the specifically self – grown fruits of
their wombs. Labor and delivery room
nurses, a lot of them in NYC, maybe elsewhere too, are nuns. Instead of a lot like Lamaze – breathing
coaching, this staying in love thing sounded a lot like the same ol’ bullshit
mandated by self – righteous men who don’t know but deceitfully claim that they
do and uplift both of their arms and gesture proclamations down in some male
almighty diety’s name upon folks supposedly their flocks. The big, big H of Sexism: the Original Sin.
I began to be thinking even more along the lines of
Hypocrisy while out loud I departed for the stove and said instead, “Ah, ah,
ready for lunch, Herry? I’ll get the
soup on in just a minute here. Grilled
cheese, too.” Nothing from Herry whose
back was still to me and who was looking inside the book more closely. “Ah, Herry?
Who’s that book from?”
Then finally, “What?
This?” he closed it waving it quickly aside as if details of anything
more about it were meaningless. Minutiae
only. “O, just somebody from that
meeting in Chicago a couple months back,”
Herry mumbled to the thin air of kitchen aromas as he, still turned
away, meandered to his den glancing out his bachelor pad’s windowed wall to the
Forest on the stroll there and returned to the table several minutes later sans
Why Am I Afraid and its reddest of lips and loveliest of sable
Palpably more than a little free gift I knew. And Herry knew. I came to find out later that,
additionally, he knew I knew, too. The objects
on its book cover matched nearly identically to the last lash those very same objects that I had also seen just a couple months back: the same three objects were, on its front, the only ones blanketing the bare milky
white cover of one of that 1988 year’s worth of Herry’s and Zane’s Playboy magazines! Herry hurriedly ate and headed right back to
work again.
Only to be home, Herry was, rather promptly that evening at
5:30 pm. Good thing, too, for all the
explaining to do that he had ahead of him.
At the time Herry left my presence in the early afternoon of 31
May 1988, I had had no idea of what was in store for me to read and to think
on, much less, about what to summon gumption into action. Most assuredly, Legion True had had no clue
then that the next six days would be pivotally life – altering. And death – producing. Mehitable, and even AmTaham, didn’t
either. And neither my father nor my own
mother had ever, ever prepared me for nor protected me from the arrival of the
mail that last May day: the fruition of
Dr. Herod Edinsmaier’s familial deconstruction.
Its death.
“May Day. May
Day.” I went back to the den and there
sank into one of its two mahogany – colored,
faux leather barrel chairs that my parents had given us many years
earlier, the backs of both of which Zephyr (“Zay – fear”, ‘member?) used as his
feline clawing posts. Apparently those
worked for Zephyr when he was inside instead of outdoors slashing away at all
the trunks of the Forest; but I liked those comfy chairs and still own both
holey, if not too terribly holy, ones today although I see that one of them has
emigrated itself over to Zane’s home –– which is cool.
I opened up the book to read. Yeah, yeah, terrible me, for reading a book
designated to another. But. Designated by whom, I dare you to intellectualize,
as being ‘appropriate’ to be given to another?
To another who is not Ms. Zhang’s husband and who, furthermore, is daddy
to someone else’s many children! I am,
today, so very, very glad that I did that.
When was I ever going to face reality:
what I had been knowingly
avoiding and literally wasting away my precious life on – – for over a dozen
years already with my rationalizing and my justifying Mr. Dr. Wonderful and my
being, therefore by extension as his wife and (by wholly my definition only apparently also then his) best friend and
lover, ya’ know Ms. Wonderful, in that brilliant – mind – of – mine routine – –
when was I ever going to face reality if not with something finally
tangible? This book.
I saw no inscription, something I have always done myself
upon gifting another person with a book; but hey, folks are different, aren’t
they? It fell open to page 102
immediately – – as if pre – creased in order to do exactly that. e.e. cummings’ poem was reprinted there with
all his trademark non – capitalization so fluidly easy in today’s computerese
but, back then, rather still unusual:
your slightest look
easily will unclose me
though i have closed myself as
you open always petal by petal
myself as spring opens
(touching skillfully,
her first rose
No period after “rose”.
No capital letters anywhere. No
title even to this mighty pornographic – sounding poem – when taken inside the
context as to how this here piece came to be ‘appropriated’ to perhaps
polygamist – minded and most certainly philandering – acting Herry. Hhmmm.
I paged back a few in this chapter entitled, “Dealing With Our
Emotions.” Deal With It? No.
Not exactly what I am thinking.
A subsection heading appeared on page 95: Reflections on “Estrangement” and “Encounter”
– – with the priest placing the quotation marks around the two words
“estrangement” and “encounter” in the heading.
Now that I thought might be
apropos. Certainly germane to
“encountering” someone at a medical meeting maybe. I couldn’t relate still, though, as to how
“estrangement” befit Dr. Herod Edinsmaier’s coming by and being mailed or given
this book by anyone other than the man’s wife.
Or vice versa. I guess I hadn’t
hitherto figured out that the big, big estrangement was yet upcoming, had
I read within the so – headed section – – the italics and
the marks enclosing phrases in quotations being its priestly author’s and not
mine, “It is only through this kind of sharing that we come to know ourselves. Introspection of itself is helpless. We can confide all of our secrets to the
docile pages of a personal diary, but we can know ourselves and experience the
fullness of life only in the sharing with another person.” Sounded like a call to ‘holy’ roman catholic
confession to me, my being used to not only sharing in a diary but sharing also
to my own witchy innards’ Truth–allah directly – without need nor wont of
This book assuredly did not hint of anything medical that I
could yet tell; but it was certainly beginning to smack of something
pathological. That was for sure. I read further, “There is a continuously
deeper discovery of myself and my friend as we continue to reveal new and
deeper layers of ourselves. It opens my
mind, widens my horizons, fills me with new awareness, deepens my feelings,
gives my life meaning.”
The lines continued, “Fully human people are in deep and
meaningful contact with the world outside of them.”
And more, “Their hearts skip along with the “young lovers,”
and they know something of the exhilaration that is in them.”
Then, “Of, course, our friendship can still be. We are standing within arms’ reach of that
which is most humanly rewarding and beautiful.
We must not turn back now.”
O, gosh, golly, good goddam, No! I guess we mustn’t, must we? What the fuck?! No turning back now!
And, “We can still
share all the things we once shared with such excitement, when first I told you
who I was and you told me who you
were. Only now our sharing will be
deeper because we are deeper.
If I will continue to hear you with the same sense of wonder
and joy as I did in the beginning, and you will hear me in this way, our
friendship will grow firmer and deeper roots.
The tinsel of our first sharing will mellow into gold. We can and will be sure that there is no need
to hide anything from each other.”
O o o o, I was beginning to like that part, the “no need to hide anything” part ...
… when … I was jolted back to the “new reality” here in
Herry’s den with the passage that ended this book of pornography’s Chapter
Four, “We will have shared everything. I
am continually experiencing the ever – growing, ever “new reality” of you, and
you are experiencing the reality of me.
And through each other, we are together experiencing the reality of God,
who once said that, “It is not good for man to be alone.”
“ ‘Who once said’? My
ass. My mother – fucking, quoting –
whoever ass. Little John, the
Friar. You, John The Priest, you said that. No god of mine said that. And you and your pillared kind have been
preaching that puke and pus for nearly, but
not quite, forever. For, O? About 120 centuries or so now …” I am left thinking. Again.
Because. Because you
If you go to any christian or jewish Genesis, look up that
old quote merely written there by something who thinks himself virile, not by
something divine, it simply continues thusly, “I will make him an help meet for
him.” Yep, and by verses 22 through 25,
why, good ol’ Adam gets his woman all right. Second chapter only of this thing called the
holy bible and it’s already all about him, him, him. Says in that entire chapter of that book, right off the bat, about the
creating of something they term “marriage”.
Says nothing, right off the bat, about the coupling and Nature’s union
necessary for the continuation of the species.
Only that it is such a sad
deal for the guys to be without. So the
guys write themselves into their script an object
so that they won’t be so without.
But. As insurance for
future conversations, discourses and contacts with their now newly made objects, these same guys, just as right
away, make their object … bad. Next chapter, right off the bat there in
Genesis 3, we all learn just how evil Eve became, right off the bat. Not that she was going to be a mother fucked,
grow and bear forth babies, either girl ones or boy babes, and continue on – allegedly – for all Time the human
species! No, we learn that, excuse me, these “holy men” write that, right off
the bat, Eve is evil.
But the other way around – flip / reverse –
as far as coupling in the World for, O say, the last 12,000 años or so? Has it been her, her, her?
I now know, too, pretty much of ‘the Rapture’ Red described
as his friend Dufresne ascended out of the holocaustic Hellfire that was his
two decades – plus as an innocent human being inside Shawshank Prison, “Andy
crawled to freedom through 500 yards of shit – smelling foulness I can’t even
imagine. Maybe I just don’t want to. … Crawled through a river of shit and came
out clean on the other side. Headed for
the Pacific.”
Sure wish though that then, six days later on Monday, 06
June 1988, I’d had the presence of that brilliant although – not – for – years
– to – come – yet irenic brain of mine to crawl out of that shit – smelling
pornography that had been my belief in Herry and head for my own pacific
solitude with about 370,000 of Dr.
Herod Edinsmaier’s pathological dollars next to me – as Andy had managed to
make off with of the Warden’s grafty – aprovechar corruption!
When central Iowa’s and at least this continent’s worth of
chapters of Mothers on Trial obtain
their five goals, then I will know
the Rapture. Fully. Awareness and willingness Ancestoring is, and
that is Mothers on Trial. But, like
I’ve been so far explaining up to this point, I was only just beginning to
know, that afternoon, of my redemption and of my salvation. Praise god! er, I mean praise Matilda Joslyn
It didn’t, even then, so much as traverse my brain, “What if Herry were the one, and not me,
reading this prosaic porn and it’d been sent to me like, O say, sent to me from
David Humes, my tall, mighty fine drink of mineral water from back at Cornell
University? Whom Herry’d met a couple of
times including once the previous autumn right there on our Othello driveway
and with whom Herry had refused, in both instances, to remain in the same
space! The same silent shunning
treatment for David, that male cohort of mine, with which, as always, Herod had
graced me. Or if that smut’d been sent
to me from Edmund Silver after our last night in Silver’s apartment off campus,
the very last night I ever saw him – – when Edmund, my
third true love having never kissed me before even one time, had taken my left hand in both of his and pulling me
into a full body press aside his own, had asked me to marry him! It.
The Double Standard, It.
* *
* *
What did cross my mind though were two scenes: one next door to the den, that is, inside
that southwest bedroom to the Forest, and the second involving all of the
house, the Forest and, especially, the Creek that bounded that. How will Herry justify his behavior in a
Chicago hotel room at dawn, in his even being there at all, then his receipt of
this fleshy fuck all in the name of his god – – with his love of beating up
I had suspected that Herod liked to hurt women, I mean
physically, shortly after I married him.
I was nine months’ pregnant with my Jesse; and the comment was made, so
like Herry, under his breath and while turning away to fall to sleep in the
backend of that sweaty hot, coral trailer after a good and fat enough Legion’s
anus – bang, my vagina apparently not capable of swallowing up enough of him
any longer without threat to Jesse. Herry
liked anal – fucking anyhow – – which he knew only ever caused me, as far as possible titillating nerves
up it and my sigmoid were concerned, excruciating pain and was never erotically
appreciated nor solicited; but he liked to say that I wanted it since he would,
near to his coming, shove his shit – sheathed penis into my pinkly rugate
vagina – with where to finish himself off.
Only I stayed squeaky
douche – clean this night; Jesse was still up there. Herry made these wisecracks half hoping I’d
hear them, half believing that, because of my deafness, I wouldn’t so it was
more than okay to mutter ahead and utter his thoughts out loud. Either way, whether I heard them or I hadn’t
heard them.
It was the night after I’d been forced off Highway #1 on the
way to my veterinary practice in Solon, Iowa.
Another life – altering time that only I remember and about four years
before even Mehitable’s snide, guilt – instilling comments about our christmas –
eve slide across ice – covered Columbia.
And I have only myself to thank – – that I had saved for Herry three
lives that morning.
That number, I guess, was part of my problem. That is, in that number I had saved myself,
too. I dove us three in that shitbox Dodge stationwagon,
Jesse growing truly, truly big inside me of course and Zane strapped in his GM
car seat on the right side of the backseat, right off the right side of the
pavement into the grassy, shallow ditch.
I had explained to Herry that I’d still had to get the tow truck out
that morning, and incur a rather sizeable bill for it, as a matter of fact,
because a car headed straight at us and bearing down at 70 miles per hour was
trying to get around a white panel truck in the opposite lane and definitely
was not going to make it but, worst of all, wasn’t pulling itself back either,
“Too bad you had my kids with ya’.
If only you’d been alone.” That
same morning, when both that car and that truck kept right on going and neither
vehicles’ occupants even stopped to help us three, Herry was learning in OB /
GYN class how to perform a proper medical vaginal examination by way of live
laboratory demonstration and practical experience on guinea pig coed models
with his pants’ zipper, unfortunately for Herry, shut all its way up.
Setting number one – past Dr. Herod Edinsmaier’s den and on
into the bachelor pad’s southwest ‘master’ bedroom alongside the Forest: Herry, his teeth bared with lips drawn tautly
down and back and shaking rigid, was astride me his right fist threatening my
left periorbital bone, eye, brow and cheek and his knees straddling my torso,
with his arms and hands and full truncal weight pressing my ventral aspect
straight through to my dorsum, straight down to my spine, and far deep into the
mattress. The pinning was complete, and
I didn’t fight it. I never struggled nor
beat back Dr. Edinsmaier.
Not even when Herod had hoisted
my entire carcass over his right shoulder at Braemore in Columbia like a sack
of feed, well, more apropos to his act, like bagged waste, hauled me out its
front duplex door, flung me down and locked me outside for two November days
and two November nights – – outside of what should have been, for me, the
safest of havens, my own home! Out of my
own home! Not even then – – when my mother
– fucking arms and hands had been fully free to do so! Not even then did I struggle against
Herry. I credit Mehitable with that knowledge of passivity of mine, I
do. My servility, softness and deference
here so very well – honed, so thoroughly seasoned and utterly ingrained into
me, by such a strongly steeped teacher as she, one of seemingly millions of
such mothers globally who, still, schmooze and cast their own old – age lots
with classist, titled, entitled elitists and promisingly pillared so, therefore,
rich sons – in – law.
Both my eyelids were winced tightly shut and the rest of my
body which wasn’t brutalizingly bound by Herry recoiled inside itself anyhow,
the only safe place to where women know to go at such times. My sacred site of seclusion and
grieving that I had come so well to call upon.
Unless we just up and leave our bodies entirely, that is, bifurcate,
split off the Spirit and fly it on up to the ceiling where it’s warm there
finally. This I had quickly taught my own self to do in times to
come when my corporal form showered itself in those 34 – degree, indoor
temperatures down near the Havencourt condo floor.
This particular time, though — Zane was on him fighting,
struggling with that massive, muscular upper body of Herry’s and screaming that
same scream that little kids all over the world who usually call their fathers
‘daddy’ or some such term of endearment shout at the top of their lungs, “Don’t
hit her!! Please, Herry, don’t hit
mama!! Don’t! Don’t hit her! Don’t hit mama!! Pleeeease, Herry!!” I had probably pissed him off about the
checkbook or the soccer – assisting or something. Again.
What it was that set him off, I
don’t even remember and hardly ever did remember – – even shortly
thereafter. Each time.
But I do remember the bed, that it was daylight, not dark
out as had been the rubbish of Herry’s Braemore brouhaha also perped in full
view of all of my little Boys, that Zane was on top of Herry who was on top of
me – – and that younger Jesse with littlest brother Mirzah were both outside
the bedroom door in the short hallway listening and watching and thinking god
knows what. And how I reacted to Herry’s
hand made into a fist over my cowering face instead of into some implement that
could stroke my cheek and fondle my blonde locks or cup my neck and draw my
full lips gently to his. I remember
that. My girlfriend, Wende, recently
forwarded me a quotation she was emailed by some other woman, “People won’t
remember what you said or what you did, but they will remember how it was you
made them feel.” No shit, Sherlock.
I do remember some things
Herry said though and, definitely, I also know how his words made me
feel. Not much later
than this afternoon which I was spending in Herry’s den reading, about a year
or so hence, I was to
ask Herry, face to face on our double Othello driveway out front, his leaning
back on that white Toyota Crown wagon of his with that
silver – plated flaw on its backside, his legs and arms both crossed, what it
would take for me to make amends to him.
His reply? I needed to, in order
to set things right by him, “commit suicide,” Dr. Edinsmaier said. I know, and believed him right then too, on at least that word of his, that that was what he was after from the git
– go. “I will take the kids and
you? You can go to Hell.”
Women who piss off men and happen also to be those men’s
children’s mothers are fucked again when they try to protect their children
from that husband’s, well, outrage and wrath … from his revenge … was what I was going to call it. Really, though, it is nothing more than that
man’s mere stupidity. Herry almost never
hurt our, er, … his Boys.
Almost never. Until I
truly pissed him off. Yet it was just ‘too soon’ since that last
time I’d pissed
Herry off for him to come at me again. To come directly at me with reprisal and
vengeance. Classic this ‘ownership’
behavior of males is – that is, of the husbanding thugs and the fathering
brutes – over all of the entire Globe.
To Herod’s mind, then … then is
when Zane, Jesse and Mirzah became … my
And, therefore, … game.
The second scene on Othello Drive – which clamored through
my brain as I sat sunk into the den’s brown barrel of a chair was rather
recent: I saw myself, the little Boys’
mother, leaving behind the dazed and horrified faces of Mirzah and Jesse beside
the redwood stairs as they and I had just raced out the back deck door and down
that flight. “Stay here!! Don’t come any further!! Don’t!
Stop!!” I yelled back at them both.
Out in front of the three of us and forging full speed ahead
down the lovely leafing and sloped path and through the trees aiming straight
for the raging, swollen and so freezing spring Creek water full to its banks’
brim following the fresh thaw from upstream was Herry. With my Zane so, so suddenly swooped up
predator – clenching – prey fashion and completely quashed within Herry’s upper
muscles, yet kicking and screaming like he was going to die when Herry hurled
him into the Creek – if he didn’t try.
With Jesse and Mirzah frozen by this sudden hurricane that had just
blown in from its shoreline and overtaken Herry and them. Stunned in their tracks at the bottom of
those steps believing as they watched and heard Zane shouting and fighting with
all of his might that they were to drown, too, – as the immediate next
sacrificial lambs on Herry’s trust – busting, fucking altar of What I Get To Do
When Legion Totally Pisses Me Off.
I am down on my mother – begging knees at the water’s edge
and feigning tranquility and calm as softly
and as submissively and, for the umpteenth time, trying to
servilely take on to myself and wholly off of
Mr. Dr. Wonderful the entire blame for his ballistics as
much as any wife grabbing on to the veritable
trouser leg of her husband’s pants in a last – ditch quest
to save her child from drowning can possibly fake, “Herry, no. Please.
No. You don’t want to do this,
Herry. Please. I’m sorry.
I’m sorry! I’m sooo sorry, Herry. Just put him down and come on back up to the
house now. Okay? Okay.
Sure. Okay.”
If it isn’t my fault – if Legion isn’t sorry for enraging
and for incurring the wrath of The Almighty Herry, if I didn’t ‘do it’ – whichever the ‘it’ is this particular time, then for sure this particular time, the Good Doctor
Edinsmaier will be headed, won’t he, straight back up to the deck to repeat his
literally mother – fucking pathological poaching on one or the both of my Jesse
or my Mirzah next? If – if I don’t succeed
at pulling him back off and out of this pathological piracy of his – and right
now – wherein Herry’s got Zane and me cornered and captured, then … Zane and the both of his
brothers, too! Quarry. All of them!
Along with the terrorizing and the death threats to the Boys
– because of my pissing off Husband,
it was Herry's tactic in his narcissistic passive aggression to withhold from
me now – after one of these episodes – more than ever before. Not only to simply shut the fuck up and give
Legion the silent – treatment bird for the weeks that stretched into months'
worth of soccer games and suppers but to truly
withhold. Sexual intercourse. Not to be confused, for sure, with sexual
disfavoring. Turning his face away from
me when I came into our bedroom at
night just wasn't a bed frigid enough for Legion to repose within either.
It had been early February 1988, when Herry went to take up
what turned out to be his permanent nighttime occupancy on that blue and green
floral sofa, the very one from where I'd been shouted away as Herod Edinsmaier,
sobbing, slumped deep into its flowers in the dark time of the morning about
half a year after Detanimod had died in May 1985. Herry chiseled out this chasm between us
every night with as much flair and fanfare as he could muster in front of Zane,
Jesse and Mirzah without coming right out and saying to the Truemaier Boys that
he wasn't sleeping with their mother by his own dictum and of his own accord
anymore. Sculpting out the marital and family
deconstruction project as he was, Herry The Teacher, might as well have held a
blackboard discussion and laboratory demonstration, "When she won't
behave, Young Men, this is what you must do in order to passive aggressively
handle The Evil Female." Advanced
lessons to shortly follow.
I put down Why Am I Afraid to
Tell and waited until after supper, until after baths and until after
Mirzah, Zane and Jesse were all sound asleep.
First mistake a fucked mother makes.
Shielding and hiding Truths when Truths, which we all say we want our children
to know, should of course, in all their splendor (isn’t that what Truth is after
all? beautiful?) be clearly heard from
the diviner’s own lips at the very
moment of adumbration and without the slightest equivocation. But no.
I, like so many mothers do, put
them to bed instead. School was
still in session after all. But not for
too many more days, only about six or so.
They needed their rest … with school and all, I told myself. Besides, to this point day in and day out,
the Truemaier Boys knew nothing of
what their mother had been rationalizing, justifying … Smart as the Boys were,
they didn’t know. I was sure of
that. My waiting. Patience beyond reason Legion True’s waiting
And then.
… Then … I asked
Dr. Herod Edinsmaier to come please explain himself.
A very therapist – measured, open – ended questioning it
was, too. Just like I am supposed to
do. And without a trace of contumely or
crimination to the query I posed.
Quakers maintain regular queries to ask ourselves routinely, to go
inside to our inner voices, to that witchy that
of god of ours and pull out from there the answers – the Truths – to life’s
problems and mysteries. About the only
formalized thing Quakerism, a mighty fine, creedless, doctrineless self – leading,
has. I queried Herod. In the same way. That is, kindly. Just like I am supposed to ask. I prepared my right eardrum for Herry’s usual
recrimination of walking off, slamming doors and driving away. There was none. We were at that simple kitchen table, the
site of nearly all Midwest family meetings and stormy negotiating summits, a
place strong against the harshness and the beatings of the tornadic weather
that is emotional holocaust and despair.
Like the glossy gray paint is to its farmhouses’ porch floors.
What I did not prepare for and for what Mehitable and
AmTaham certainly had not braced and trussed me up either was the oral essay, thesis – sized really,
of the volume and magnitude as horrifying as Dufresne’s – of the unbelievable
amount of fetid and mother – fucking foulness that shit forth onto me this
* *
* *
“Who is this person who sent you that book today, Herry?”
“Who’s the person who sent you that book you got in the mail
at lunchtime?”
“Who is that person ya’ want to know? You want to know who it is, do ya’?”
“Aaah, Yeah.”
“And you would want to know this becaaauuuse … ?”
“Ah, well, because, um, because … I was reading a little bit
of it this afternoon and it didn’t …”
“You were what?! It
didn’t what?!”
Only now do I carry on any discourse with Herry that isn’t
my being on the defensive right off the bat.
Another of Mehitable’s course load I excelled at, that is, hers well –
taught to us three daughters as Let the Man Talk; He’s the One Who Knows. And her other course, His Ego Must Be
Stroked. On that one? She even actually chose to speak to me those
very five words out of her own mouth.
About the time Herry was mastering vaginal exams in med school,
Mehitable let me have it on that point – over something I’d done then. From their start, conversations with Herry
only deteriorated. I was finished at
their beginnings as a debater, an arguer with my own cogency. Especially,
of course, when I was right about something.
If – and it was a truly big if – if Herry stuck around to converse
with me at all, he worked me like a big – time lawyer gone berserk with all the
right stuff at besting in verbal courtroom beatings. At beating up … me. Finest thing about my not – so – guarded
discoursing now though? I choose to not
speak to Herry at all.
The pornography that was my Genesis “marriage” was
unraveling, that choke to the throat juuuust starting a smidgen of a rise out
of its storage down in my solar plexus, “Aaah, what I read of it, Herry, well,
it didn’t sound like pathology or medical stuff, ya’ know. And you told me it came from a person there
at that medical …”
“And that it did. You
read my mail? What the hell’reya’
readin’ my mail for, Bitch?”
“Waawhl, Herry, I always take care of the mail. I thought you knew that by now. In fact, I need to get the City’s electric …”
“Well then,” I was
stopped. “What else do you wanna’
know? Hey, wait a sec! Let me get you something else to read, ya’
love to read so goddamn much!” I was
left thinking something in Playboy I bet, or that actual book he’d just
gotten? Wasn’t going to be from the holy
bible, Herry conducting himself for years and years and years and long before I
married him as an avowed and ardent atheist.
One not so moral – as it turns out … No, not so much.
And while Herry didn’t slam doors and thump down telephone
receivers or speed off in that white wagon
of his, he did walk away for just a little while in the direction, of
course, of his den and returned nearly immediately holding a spiral notebook,
blue, with an emblem in black from some college on it. It was about half size regular notebooks,
like 5½” by 8” maybe and on its royal front cover displayed the seal of a place called Creighton University, an institution
at which Herry had studied for his first college year at age 18. Dr. Herod Edinsmaier, Mr. Dr. Wonderful,
opened it up in what appeared to me to be a random manner and began reading,
“Mick and I are just back from banging a couple of broads off campus.”
I am thinking the year would have been the academic one of
1964 to 1965, and Creighton, of course, is about 75 miles near straight west of
Herry’s agrarian birthplace in Bass County where he’d just graduated from the
schools in Fatlantic, its county seat town, in May 1964. Mick was the best and only man besides the
preacher and the groom of course, in our Lutheran marriage ritual and Herry’s
acquaintance in high school. Mick’s
humping anyone would have been accomplished with a fractured right arm for
which his own father had refused to get him treatment about a decade and a half
earlier when he was, maybe, three or four years old, so that broken – down
extremity was in adulthood now mangled, shrunken and sort of mummified, good
for steadying but not for gripping nor cuddling. All you’d need for, well, let’s just say, that wasn’t the anatomy that was itching
according to the accounts between the blue covers of those spiral diary
pages. That appendage, such as it was
going to remain for the rest of Mick’s life, did probably lend itself to making
his occupation as that very high school’s special education teacher now a bit
more credible though. Here in the late
1980s … such a good role model for young, Fatlantic teenagers Mick was.
I don’t know how ‘strange’ the rest of the bitches they both
screwed that academic year were.
‘Strange’ was Herry’s favorite term, followed by ‘screwing’, for sexual
intercourse. I had heard it dozens of
times before along with, and referring to, bitches, whores, cunts, pussies and
twats. But only ever from Herry then or since; I have never heard the word
‘strange’ used in my circle of acquaintances before or after Herry to refer to
having sex with a woman or a man. I do
know that what vitriolic opprobrium came up off those lined, white journal
pages behind its lovely azure cardstock screwed me like nothing else ever
has. And that Herry Edinsmaier was
definitely a stranger, a viper of whom I, for my own safety and protection,
should be most, most afraid. While Herry
continued reading from this piece of pornography, I am thinking of that other
one he now owned too, Why Am I Afraid To Tell You Who I Am?.
Herry read out loud to me name
after name after name, around 49 or 50 of them in all. In almost all of these persons’ cases, there
were written in Herry’s bluebook only the first names, very, very few last
names, and all of them feminine
ones. Shit, and Genesis wrote me off from the git – go as evil, with
only 17 ‘strange’ encounters all tolled in my entire lifetime and none of them
with anyone after marriage first with John and then with next husband Herry,
who now I am knowing is most
certainly ‘strange’ to me. Many of the
names I actually recognized from those
black nights in our various parental bedrooms; but even then, there’d only been
ten or eleven told to me and it had become, from time to next time, the same
ten or eleven out of his stable of names which splayed all over my belly along
with Herry’s sprayed and spurted tutti – fruitti loogie. Terri, Nancy, Karen, Carol, Edwina, Inga,
Rhoda, Stacey. Fannie was a name in Dr.
Edinsmaier’s stash from this bluebook now, too; and from his narration her
relational status with him was confirmed as that which he’d once told me of
earlier on in our marriage: she had been
“a very fat girl who used to talk to me between classes at the lockers at
school” in Fatlantic. Hers had never
been one of Herry’s usual foreplay names.
When, around 11, Herry considered himself done reading, he
found a statue across the table from him.
My bones had turned to bedrock, stunned and incapable of moving. And with a hollowed head, I blanked.
Morning time and more pathology, not to mention the last
days of the Boys’ school year, were also on the family’s docket in such short
order. Nary a missed heartbeat from
Herry though throughout this soliloquy coming up out of the leaves of his
misshapen missal. He fairly flew off to
bed apparently well satisfied with this rendition of his Sex in the
Cities. Dr. Herod Edinsmaier had been
most willing after all, had he not, to offer up to me, his spouse, as answer ,
as ‘Truth’ as to whom the book had come from this proxy – like explanation by
way of a registry of female names and his former manners of comforting them
all? Elucidation for me this had been,
had it, of why it was that he so
discreetly, and not the Knickerbocker Hotel’s management, had been in a
‘strange’ woman’s hotel room at 3 am comforting her in her time of loss? Between her legs or between her ears? There was that word again, discreet, the one
Dr. Edinsmaier couldn’t use to describe his previous encounters with the
vaginal exam models because he’d never been able, he had told me long ago, to
quite figure out a clever and secret enough way back in medical school to, at one
and the same time, be seriously and adult – like studious in laboratory class
and … to fuck ‘em, too.
“I am an idiot!” I am thinking, solidly sitting statuesque –
style and my bright brain now just pulpy mush inside its cavernous
cranium. “And Herry thinks, too, that I
am an idiot. Why else would he possibly
have chosen this particular query of mine at this specific time for this exposé? Not quite yet the right time for me and my story,” I think next. “First things first. It is so, so late, and my Boys have school
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