
Showing posts from September, 2022


AllYa'All ENABLERS of the PATRIARCH's / of the Commander's T A K I N G for DECADES' and DECADES' TIME and for NEARLY ALL of THEIR MINOR CHILDHOODS ... ... ALL o'MY Babes in to THEIR IMPRISONMENTS and THEIR ISOLATIONS ... ... UTTERLY and ENTIRELY F I V E STATES' DISTANCE A W A Y FROM ME, their Birthing Handmaid - Mama = ... ...
GILEAD Commander Herod Edinsmaier, that Gud and Wunnerful, er, despicable " Medical Doctor " ... ... = = One Whom NO OTHER can rival in re ... ... his S M I R K E R Y and S N I D E R Y. S U C H THAT his last name, BACKWARDS, IS THAT:

WHY Gilead COMMANDING PATRIARCHS GET A L L: Yeah: what is her name ?

  WHY ... ... PATRIARCHS GET A L L " IN A NUTSHELL WHAT THE CRISIS IS The Custody Crisis is the epidemic of judges switching custody of children from good, loving mothers to controlling, abusive and self-serving fathers. On the other hand, there is no epidemic of judges switching custody from good, loving fathers to controlling, abusive and self-serving mothers. Therefore, the crisis is a gendered issue:  a women’s issue .  " Yeah:  what is her name ?  The name of the " controlling, abusive and self - serving mother " who was the TAKER ... ... getting the children way - away from their good and loving father ?  Who is this woman ? The Custody Crisis:  Why It's Happening &  How We Can End It Women's Coalition 11 September 2022 “ The Custody Crisis: Why It's Happening & How We Can End It ”  is a powerpoint presentation that describes the nature of the Custody Crisis and a solution for stopping it. This is the first time it’s been featured on the  W