This T H E F T ? This A B S C O N S I O N / this STEALING A W A Y ... ... of Legion's children ?
Heinous Herry's act is E X A C T L Y like THE opening scene of Ms Pike's The HOSTILES' film =
Family Courts and Child Custody Are Biased Against Women, N O T Men Abusive men are more likely to win custody, and men win up to 93% of custody cases Zawn Villines Dec 1, 2022 I know so many men who have fought for custody of their children. All of them have won at least joint custody. And in all cases, a strange thing happens after their win: They begin complaining that the custody system is biased—a system that worked to get them the outcome they wanted. This is what male entitlement looks like: not only should you get what you want; you should get it by default, without having to work for it. This entitlement birthed the myth of a family court system biased against men. The data paints a different portrait. No matter how you assess family court proceedings, women are at a substantial disadvan...
FROM 20 and 21 November y2022's WHY EVOLUTION IS TRUE / posts, , these PATRIARCHS, thiiiin - skinned, ARE c l o s e t e d misogynists and sexists. They KNOW that they ARE misogynists and sexists. AND pretend N O T to be such. Cuz being SO ... ... is no longer The WAY ... ... to A C T U A L L Y / " ACCEPTEDLY " ... ... BE ! Thus, CLOSETED THEY R E M A I N. ============================================================== Ofherod, Commander Herod Edinsmaier ( re iamSnide )'s Handmaid November 20, 2022 at 2:30 pm A personal friend ? An earned doctorate for this person; thus, Dr Hossenfelder or Hossenfelder. Blue ============================================================== Reply whyevolutionistrue November 20, 2022 at 2:38 pm Give me a break and don’t tell me what how I should write people’s names. You can use titles on your own site if you have one. I call Trump “Donald” and Biden “Joe”, so I can call her “Sabine” if I want. ==...
When I was recently asked what had been the event circa the y1976 - " proposal " of mawwiage to me, I suddenly, now, have had T H E utterly REPRESSED MEMORY of THUS = Yeah, the Middle America at where a Patriarch I used to know, with 12 children birthed out of one rurally isolated and 14 times' pregnant - woman ( from his Gilead - style patriarch's pokings of her ), merely COMMANDED Gilead - style within the springtime of y1976, a coerced / a forced / an ENTRAPPED mawwiage of his son TO ... ... that son's similarly poked handmaid = me. Proposal of mawwiage to ME ? = Fuck. T R U L Y ... ... what was it THEN ? ... ... IT was a D E S P O T I C DICTUM. a MOTHER - FUCKING. Proposal of mawwiage to ME ? = Ha. T R U L Y ... ... what was it THEN ? ... ... IT was a D E S P O T I C DICTUM. ENTRAPPED = Ofherod = by PATRIARCHY, its religioning / its ONE exalted spermatozoon 48 YEARS AGO ... ... NOW = this y2024 - year = F O R C E D / COERCED maw...