Chapter 26.2

210So although I was not in Des Moines with Herry and Cherry disguised and hidden as a recording microphone in her office appliances somewhere, I still full –well knew what PillaredEdinsmaierhad done ––once I read that which Ms. Carrie Canard, “Custody Evaluator,” had written and which was only subsequently confirmed by her words spoken under oath. As “testimony.” As testimony thus, then, counted legallyas “evidence.”Now, I think back on her as a hootand a howl. Then? Then, I could not believe that I had been so snookered and, ultimately blindsided, by such a sallow simp as she ––again. Not after I myself––so many, many times before as Herod Edinsmaier’s alleged best friend, as his wife ––had so beheld and marked this velvety –voice manipulation of Herry’s. Such larynges as these in abusing men have actually been researched ––and warned of––by Psychotherapist Mike Lew in his 1988 Victims No Longer!I should have been protected; I should have known protection. I should have known what would, in kind, have beenforthcoming back out after Tenor Edinsmaier’s aria –like serenade to Cherry or Cheri Baby –backout in the form of Ms. Canard’s so –called “child custody evaluation” report to daJudge. I so should have known. No matter Mr. Jazzy Jinx’s faulty family dynamics’ lawyering counselso horribly in error regarding the mother –fucking, adjunctive “courtindustry” which makes so very, very much money for the idiot–perpetrators placed “in charge” of such massive, life –altering recommendations known as “custody evaluationsby experts.” No matter that.* * * *True it is. O so head –bangingly true it is: the lying, that is. Verbatim from Petitioner’s Affidavit section A, “From 1968 through 1972 I taught at the Cleveland Public Schools as a junior high general science teacher. I then went to graduate school at Iowa State University and obtained my degree in cell biology in 1972. In the fall of 1975, I was accepted to medical school, ...” And, “I went to the University of Missouri in Jefferson City, as a teacher. I taught pathology full-time until May 1986.” And “She was hired asDirector of the Microbiology Section of the Veterinarian Diagnostic Laboratory.”And “I considered this a golden opportunity because I did not want to raise our children in Kansas City because the public school system was very poor. I also thought my wife Legion would have a better chance of finding employment in Ames because of the Veterinarian School at Iowa State University.”Verbatim from Petitioner’s Affidavit section B, “I first met Legion in 1974. At that time, she had just been accepted to Veterinarian School. Legion had previously been married to a Mr. JohnSilvre (Herry misspelledhis last name) in the late 1960’s. This marriage lasted approximately two to four yours, ending in divorce. I had not been married previously.” “Weeeeell, just exactly –if this person, Dr. Legion True, about whom you’re writing here then actually, now,isyour spouse, Dr. Edinsmaier, and she has –at the very least –then been that ... yourwife ... for now, lo, these last infamous 12½ years ––ah, if she is,... then just exactly which was it? ––was it two years for the twat or was it four years? Or, maybe three? Maybe three for your pussy? Or, maybe in Truth about thisonenonspecific, unremarkable and merelyclassic cuntwithin yourstash of them,, Narcissist Herry, ... youhave absofriggin’lutely no idea,do you?”Verbatim, Herry continues and,nota beneparticularly, I includeall of theobviousspelling, omission, grammar andbirthday errorsin his so –called Petitioner’s Affidavit B, “After my wife and I began dating, she told me she suffered from mental problems after her first marriage ended. Specifically, she said suffered from a severe reactive depression disorder and had to obtain psychiatric help as a result. We spent a great deal of time together before we married although we both maintained separate apartments. My wife and I were married on December 18, 1976 in Ames, Iowa. This was approximately four months 211after our first child, Zena, was born on August 24, 1976. The reason we got married was because of the great deal of pressure from our families. We have two other sons born to our marriage: Jesse, born December 15, 1978, and Mirzah, born September 28, 1979.Legion entered Veterinary School in the fall of 1974. She graduated in the spring of 1978 with her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Degree. From 1974 through 1978, we jointed shared in all child care responsibilities with the exception of bathing and breastfeeding. I cooked, cleaned, did laundry, and changed diapers. We were both working or going to professional school and the time demands required that we equally share the child caring responsibilities.During the 1978-79 school year, I commuted back from Iowa City to Ames every weekend. Legion would leave Zena at the babysitters while she attended school in Ames. In 1978, the entire family was living in Iowa City. In 1978, my wife Legion took a job in Solon, Iowa at a small veterinary clinic. She dealt with small animals. Her hours were approximately from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. My wife took Zena and Jesse to a babysitter in Solon while she was working so she could nurse them. Legion then felt the job was too stressful, so she quit and began to babysit for our children and others in our home.”[“Ooops, ooops, ooops, ooops! Waaaait a second here! Hold up! Stop the more –or –less mimicking stenograph, Woman! Wait just apea –picking, mother –fucking second here!What’s with the fucked –up ‘1978–79 school year’ statement here! Why, babies –two!! of the three!! weren’t even born yet, O Daddee –o’‘emall –Dearest! I was nine months’ pregnant with Jessebut Jesse soooo noteven bornyet, and Mirzah? Mirzah wasn’t even anyone’s eyeball sparkle!Then suddenly your statement has us all back ‘in 1978’;we’re all not in Ames anymore whatsoeverbut in Iowa City? What’s with this freakin’ years’ fuckup, O So Brilliant One? Your statement’s utter ... fucked –up mother –fucking!daJudge, ‘The Court’, ...give a shit about any of thisfuckup?!O, we soooo know, don’t we Jury, the resoundingly loud NO answer to that ‘ne!No shock this is, though: The Pillar, The Exalted cannot remember to use my True first name ––probably cuz it is –to him –for ‘woman’, for actually ‘naming’ me, theubiquitous and nonspecific and unremarkable and merely classic Pussyone. Or Cunt. And he cannot remember –in like manner –the birthingsand first years of anyof mythree babes!!!Two Truemaier Boys arenot even born yet –––yet the Great and WonderfulDr. Herod Edinsmaier claims here that he did soooo, so much, ya’ know ... –‘all childcare responsibilities!’What a freakin’ joke!And in what friggin’ universeof yoursanywhere, Dr.Edinsmaier, am I nursing Newborn Jesse and a two –year –old, ‘Zena’,at the very same time! as in ‘so she could nurse them?’I ammiraculously and massively marvelous –a bloody wonderment, I know; but even Idon’t wear thatcape, do I, Doc?!And –for now, Doc,after this paragraphabove –why, your fuckups just continueon below, don’t they?!‘In May 1980, afterI graduated from the University of Iowa, we went to Hershey, Pennsylvania to begin my’ yada, yada, yada? Uh –uh. Uh –uh. O, NO! Wasn’t May at all, now was it, O So Brilliant One? Wasn’t May at all. ‘Twas March1980, wasn’t it, Doctor Daddee? ‘Member, doncha O So Brilliant One, getting us fiveall so goddamn losthauling for hours and hours me and all three of the Truemaier Babies around and around in the blustery, driving rainand freezing cold Marchmiddle of the goddamned night trying to find that countryside’s hovel whichyouyourself hadearlier rented for all of us to try to live in –rented it, entirely uninspected upon some asshole’s goddamn ‘word of honor’ over the telephone from Iowa?!daJudge care that these so –called ‘facts’ of yours are, indeed, fucking false, that they are lies?!Does he, ‘The Court’, fuckin’ care one iota at all? Fuck that.”]“In May 1980, after I graduated from the University of Iowa, we went to Hershey, Pennsylvania to begin my medical residency training. After a few months, it became apparent that my salary as a resident was not enough for us to make financial ends meet, so Legion became employed as a Veterinarian at the Vale Animal Hospital. She worked the night rounds from noon until 10:00 p.m. We were forced to employ many different babysitters during this time. Due to the long hours Legion and I were working, we needed a babysitter. However, during this period, because Legion was working nights, I would get up in the morning to care for the children and attend to their morning needs. 212In 1982, Legion expressed a desire to become a teaching member of a veterinary faculty. This would not be possible without her first obtaining a doctorate degree, so she enrolled in the University of Missouri. We had to move to Columbia. She became a full-time student, and in 1986 she received her Ph.D. in Veterinary Micro Biology. During the time when Pigeon [ ... about his alleged ‘spouse’, just another one of the Brilliant Dr. Edinsmaier’s rather ‘convenient’and descriptively telling misspellings! ... ] was in school from 1982 through 1986, the kids went to daycare while I was working. However, at night I cared for the children. At this stage of the boys’ lives, toilet training became important. Because my wife Legion is deaf in her left ear, when the children would get up in the middle of the night, as they often did, they would come and wake me up and I would tend to their toilet and other nightly needs. While we lived in Columbia, Missouri, we rented a house Legion’s parents had bought. When that situation did not work out, we rented a two-bedroom duplex. I became quite involved in taking care of the children during this period of time. All three of the children began elementary school and I played a primary role in deciding the choice of school, and the age in which the children would enter school. I felt this was particularly important because all three boys had late summer birthdays and I believed it was to their benefit to bethe oldest in their class instead of the youngest. I also felt an ungraded elementary school would be better because of the higher educational opportunities and also their increased exposure to a variety of children. It is from this early beginning of my non-ending commitment to my children to obtain the best possible education, that I continue to hold their education part of their wellbeing and my main concern in life. One example of this commitment is I have started to help Zena develop his talent and special skill in art. I have done everything I could to help him accomplish that skill and today he is on the road to becoming a fine artist. Jesse is the athlete of the family. I have coached Jesse’s soccer team, and he is very good. In fact, his skills are better than mine. I also have encouraged Jesse to pursue other sports.Mizha is particularly mechanical and has exhibited special qualities. One example is when I encouraged him to become familiar with tools, he took all the doorknobsoff in the house. All three children participate in accellerated[ ... along with more of Herry–Daddee’s own advanced and gifted ... and fatherly... misspelling prowess, ‘education’ ... being soooo important ‘n’ all to him!] or classes for the gifted.In June, 1986, Legion graduated and was offered a full-time faculty position at the Kansas State University in Manhattan, Kansas. Because I wanted her to pursue her career, I turned down various jobs and opportunities away from Manhattan in order that she couldstay at Kansas State. I had looked for work in Manhattan and Topeka and having found nothing acceptable[ ... my emphasis ...], I secured a position at Downshim Labs in Kansas City as a Pathologist. Kansas City is approximately a two-hour commute from Manhattan, Kansas. I was willing to do this in order to help get my wife’s career off the ground. From May 1986 through June 1987, I spent approximately two to three nights per week in Kansas City, living in hotels there.Legion was working as a Junior Faculty member at Kansas State University in Veterinarian Micro Biology. All three children were in school. We had babysitters most of the time I was away in Kansas City. Legion, due to her work schedule, was assisted by someone helping the children get ready for school, picking the children up after school, and caring for their needs. On Mondays, Fridays, and on the weekends, however, I helped to those things. We employed no babysitters on those days I was home. In 1987, Legion lost her job and I took a position in Ames. We purchased our first home there. Legion has remained unemployed since we left Manhattan. Since 1987 we have had more “traditional” roles in our marriage in that I was the sole wage earner and Legion was primarily responsible for the child care responsibilities. However, I still helped with all child rearing responsibilities and enjoyed doing so. I consider the children to be my primary responsibility regardless of my job and how tired I may be, as I am the only Pathologist in the laboratory in Ames and work long hours. But my first commitment is to my kids. Because the children have been moved so many times, I have made a commitment to myself, my children, and my wife that we would stay in Ames and the children would graduate from highschool [not mine again –again, not the way I was ... educated ... to spell] in Ames. In order to fulfill that commitment since my wife Legion is unemployed, I have continued to work long hours in order to support my family.” 213That’d be B in toto. For ... now.O, and boooofuckinghoo! Herry, regarding “how tired I may be.” Note just exactly how many times ––zero times! in her affidavit Mother –of –Three –Boys andDr. Legion True throws to daJudge, to “The Court” her parentingself a friggin’ pity party about herexhaustion! Verbatim again, Petitioner’s Affidavit section C states, “I have had my share of personal problems. I have suffered from alcoholism since 1977. As soon as I recognized I had a problem, I went to counseling in Iowa City and have been a member of AA since that time. I have not had any alcohol or any drugs since 1977.My wife currently suffers from a psychological disorder known as codependency, exhibited by certain personality disorders.” [JYeah, Catch that, did You Jury? That’s multiple disorders withina disorder.]“She has told me this disorder originated from her first husband’s problems with drugs. She was also treated by a psychiatrist for depression after her first marriage and has also been in psychological counseling for codependency since the fall of 1987 at the Regional Substance Abuse Center on a weekly basis. Legion’s problems have been longstanding in nature and have contributed to our marital discord. She has a violent temper and directs a great deal of anger toward me, and most recently, has involved our children in our problems.” As disclosed earlier, that was it for Section C. Last paragraph? All –and only –about me. More on this section later, too. Suffice it to say here and now, in Storm County and anywhere else that I have ever lived? There is no “Regional Substance Abuse Center” nor have I ever walked inside any such place by that name. Fast and looooose with ‘reality’ here, huh? O O O weeeell: No civil –court family –law judge I’ve met to date ... cares!If we haven’t yet heard enough on the safety and wellbeing of the budding artist,onemultiply talented and bookoo sports –playing athlete and the household mechanic because ofthe long –suffering and sleepless efforts of a totally attentive and present father, we are about to read as “evidence” because it is sworn written “testimony,” mind you, the culmination of Herry’s Affidavit in the rest of all of those hours of daddeenessthat is Section D entitled, of course, “SAFETY AND WELLBEING OF CHILDREN AND MORAL CLIMATE.” Also in toto and verbatim. “At various times when my wife and I were not getting along, Legion has threatened me and our children that she will separate us. Specifically in 1985, she gathered the children around and told them they would never see me again until they were 16. This caused two of our children to run away from home for a short period of time. Legion and I were separated in June 1988. Legion has remained in the family home and I live in an apartment. Since the separation, I have paid all the bills, household payments, and given her, on average $800 per month. I have usually meet all her additional financial requests.” [It’s not my grammatical sentence and note the word “usually” also.That actually means, “Since I did one time but never, ever again? Well, cuz of that one time then, I get to lie about all of the rest of the requests the Whore made ‘n’ jus’ snow daJudge with my word ‘usually’ here –heh, heh, heh ...”]“At first after our separation when I asked to see the children, she would conveniently plan other activities for them, preventing me from seeing them. As a result of such refusals by Legion, in early September we worked out an arrangement that I see the children every weekend beginning at 5:00 p.m. on Friday until 6:00 p.m. on Sunday. This was to continue until January 3, 1989 when we agreed to re-evaluate our position. During this period of time, we tried marriage counseling but it turned out to be unsuccessful. My wife and Imet on January 3, 1989 after our counseling concluded. Since that meeting, my wife has restricted even minimal access to my children because of the hostility she feels toward me.On numerous occasions, Legion has called me at work making various demandsregarding the issues of the dissolution. She has confronted me in the presence of the children. I have become increasingly concerned as to the safety and wellbeing of the children when they are with Legion because she seems to hate me so much and usesthe children to punish me. Zena has exhibited behavioral problems and was recently caught smoking. The boys were told by their mother that she is having my apartment watched by an individual 214when the children come to see me. This has caused Jesse to beafraid and he refuses to go to sleep except with me. When the children have been with me, Legion has shown up at my apartment demanding to speak with me in front of our children about issues of our marriage. At times she has become violent and combativeon occasion and in front of the boys. This upsets them.Legion has gotten violent many times before. She has attempted to forcibly enter my car, my apartment, and my place of business. She has done this while I have the children with me. In fact, shehas repeatedly attempted to contact me at work and on one occasion she even tried to enter the laboratory when Zena was with me because he had been sent away by Legion from home for punishment. She was denied access to the building because of her irate manner and the result has been for the lab supervisor telling me such disruptions must end. Upon his advice and the advice of the Company’s attorney, our secretary has been instructed not to answer Legion’s repeated phone calls to me at work. This has made Legion even more angry at me and more disruptive in our children’s lives. I can cite many more examples and have hard evidence to support the instances where Legion has attempted to manipulate our children in an effort to strike out at me. This is notgood for the children and I have already seen her actions detrimentally affect our children.” The End. Herry’s end, that is. Very important this avowed–to affidavit’s last sentenceof PetitionerEdinsmaier’s “Safety –and –Well –Being –and –Moral –Climate”Section is. Herry –Daddee has “hard evidence” and has already beheld, he solemnly swears, the harm caused to Zena! I mean to Zaneandto Jesse and to Mizha, I mean, er, to Mirzah by me! I, the Truemaier Boys’ mama,in their lives... at all... means that they, as minors only 12, 10 and 9 years old, are already, are currently and have of longstanding now been, harm’s way.Thatis to what PillaredDoctorHerod Edinsmaier is averringhere. Right off the bat ... Act One, Part One. And yet: it is stillonly the Opera’s Overture. Not one word does Pathologist Edinsmaier’s “Safety –and –Well –Being –and –Moral –Climate”Section on the pathologies of parents to the Truemaier Boyshavein it ... about Herry –Daddee’saprovechar –and –taking slackerism: that is, Herry TheDaddee’s absolute aversion to true work! while all the while, harboringcolossal neediness formammoth amounts of attention,Herry –Daddee’sexhibitionism that is (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, Fourth Edition)psychiatric illness #302.4with theweekend jeans’ crotch holesfullup of showing offhis pubic hairs, his answering the Othello Drive’s front door in only underpants and his flourish at purposefully reopening the bedroom drapestime after time after time after time ad nauseum ... , Herry –Daddee’svoyeurismthat is (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, Fourth Edition)psychiatric illness #302.82) with i) his... hand –jiving ... consumption of pornography andii) Herry –Daddee’s crime, Iowa Code, Chapter 728.2, of dispersing it–as well –to his very own minor children,not to mention, iii) a medical penlight repeatedly thrust up my own True vaginacuz he, Herry TheHusband,just ... could... and iv) his med –student vaginal examinations’ mindrapesof paid laboratory workers;Herry –Daddee’s crimeof frotteurism, Iowa Code, Chapter728.1, 7cand 7d, with hisi) gropingof my girlfriend, GracePortia, whichis Herry –Daddee’s(Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, Fourth Edition)psychiatric illness #302.89and,along with the incestuous criminality of it all as well as by his own verbal admission to me in our adulthoods ii) of his and Atwater’s teenage –brothers’ fondling, again!Iowa Code, Chapter 728.1, 7cand 7d,of three tiny sister siblings. Let alone, not one word about the harmto the Truemaier Boys from Troubled and Conflicted“I –Have –Had –My –Share –of –Personal –Problems” Herry the Swearing Edinsmaier––of all of the above!Let alone:not one goddamn, mother –fucking word to daJudge about whoof the two of us parents is theprotecting one,about the one of us two parentingadults who was actually trying to keepall three of the Truemaier Boys––away from––all of thisharm!If all –or if any–had been born daughters?! I can’t even imagine! Whoooooa! I don’t even wantto imagine!* * * * 215“Okaaaay, Herry. Am I about to rebut just nearly all of this “hard evidence” that are actually your lies ... or what! These four A, B, C, D sections, Jury? Readers? These –all four of them –constitute the crime of perjury, Jury! Just, however, the first of many, many, many such, very same crimesof it, specifically for perjury from Iowa Code, Chapter 720.2, said chapter in generalentitled,“Interference with Judicial Process!”I am trying not to laugh too hard here because it truly is conflagrant to me. But I can’t help it. This was choice. “O shit,Herry!Smooth. Smooooth. Ms. Frumpy Custody Evaluator Canard heard all of this smooooth, too, I am so certain. Jury? Doyou know the characteristics, even just a handful of them if not all of ‘em, of the typical wife batterer? That’s ‘batter’ as in the crimeof battery. Well ... one, just one of them, is, and is as old as androcentrism itself is: throw it aaaall back on her! Everything that she says about me? Deny, deny, denyand particularly project it all back onto her––that of which she is trying to state about me. And, for sure, because it is a he –said / she –said situation and she will notbe the one believed if it is smooth enough and particularly when it involves a man and his spermary, a pillared one at that, why never, never, never admit wrong or error or that what she says could be even remotely true. And, voila, you are home free, Mother -Fucker! free! of her, I’m telling ya’.” That’s pretty much the characteristic ... also verbatim! right out of any women’s shelter handbook regarding batterers –except for the last –sentence,name –for –daddeeembellishment there: that onewould beall mine...that the Good and Wonderful DoctorHerod Edinsmaier is a literal Mother –Fucker!But, otherwise, this is the researches’and statistical reality: fathers and their gametes are notto be messed with. Both are only to be exalted. Sperm exaltation. Father and fatherhood exaltation. I say, “O O O ...kay then. Just exactly who is coming out here from the courtroom or from after examining the ‘sworn–to’ documents submitted to The Court’s files ... coming out here into this, The Real World, and bringingback todaJudge, bringing back from it, The Real World that is, to Judge Sol Wacotler Seizor, the absolute proof of the Truth of anyof Herry’s muuuultiple avowals here, Jury? Readers? Who? You? And, furthermore, do you carewhat lies he’s told you and me? Do you? Does the judge? Really? Really and actually does daJudge, Judge Seizor, the man who once “legally”forced a first Mrs. Seizor into a certain prison way away from her very own four baby daughters, truly care? It is easier to lie to and to deceive in an American court of civil law than it is to lie to and to deceive your ... __you __ fill __ in __ the __ blank __, Jury. Of course, depending upon ... well, you know the rest of that sentence, too.”I did not know it then, but I soooo know it now: Depending upon who you are, it is easier to lie to and to deceive anyone inside an American civil court of law and get away with it than it is to lie to and to deceive one’s own mom and dad. It is easier to lie to and to deceive an American civil court of law, which, we all know, is a judge or a bunch of ‘em, than it is to lie to and to deceive your own minister, your own teacher, your boss and co –workers, your spouse or even your own child. It is, mind you, easier to get clean, slick away with lying to and with deceiving an American civil court judge about anything, depending, of course, ... dependingupon who you are, than it is to lie to and to deceive yourself!What themost difficultabout rebuttal is ... is doingit! Having to do it at all. Why should I have to? Why again and again and again do I have to? Have to defend myself. Always, always, always on the defensive throughout the entirety of The Opera. The whole mother –fucking thing. This? This I loathe. And have,now,long –pledged to myself never ––never ... never ... never––to have to do to Herod Edinsmaierinside of any format or venue whatsoever again. Not one more time. To defend myself. No. But to You the Jury? JYeah. No problem. One more time again? This tome, this volume? Nooooo problem. In fact: Ratchet it on up, that very volume!Bring it on!Rebutting then begins, of course, right there within his, the Petitioner’s, Affidavit section A, continues throughout aaaall of Liar Edinsmaier’s four sections and finallyends then with, tah –dah, Respondent’s Affidavit! That is, mypersonal history affidavit notarized and dated 10 February 1989! Which weekday (of course!) date that horrid year happened to be on a Friday. 216So.To beginthen, “Wha’, Herry? ‘From 1968 through1972’ you taught junior high, then suddenly back in Ames you have, you swear, a grad degree in cell biology also in 1972? But didn’t go to med school until 1975? That ain’t soat all, now is it, Herry? No graduate degree #1, Herry –zip, zilch on the master’s degree, right?! That, well, along with all of your other procrastinations, well, ... that just never did happen ever, now did it, Hype –ing Hypocrite Herry? No diploma ‘tall!Not even in 1975, which is when you left graduate school after I literally lived with and doctored you day and night, 24 / 7, back to life from a deathly parasitic pulmonary infestation from June 1975, right through till nine days before medical school began in late August 1975, when you were released from Oakdale Sanitarium outside Iowa City to whereI’d had Devin drive you at top, breakneck speeds two weeks earlier and he thought those two harrowing hours in the car that you, coughing, gasping, cyanotic and doubled over, ... that you were going to die on him right there racingdown the interstate. Okaaay, now that that’s straight, there’s more, isn’t there, Herry?! How it is I literally saved that sacko’shit life of yours for you, isn’t there?!” The tangible ––and screaming ––absenceof Herry’s master’s degree in cell biology, something really, really easy to prove, well, did anyone bother everto bring back to Judge Sol Wacotler Seizor the actual “evidence” of its existence?!Of itsnonexistence?!!!“In fact, the master’s degree’snonexistencehas, indeed, hasn’t it Hype –ing Hypocrite Herry, just exactly the samenonexistenceto it asthat of a supposedly earned bachelor’s degree in physics ! ! ! which You, the Good and Wonderful Doctor Edinsmaier,to this dayin Grubtrop and in Montclank,West Virginia, alsoclaimto have,at one time,merited and deservedly received ! ! !–butin point ofactual fact,continueseveral decades later to pad thereby falsifyingyourmedical organizations’ and societies’ résumés with and there state (as well as at these several agencies’ websites!) that youonce obtained this alleged physics degree at Iowa State University––when you soooo never did do?!!!Ha!”Of course, we already know the answer to that ––along with all of the other NOT!answers to the very same question after every written affidavit lie and almost all of them,if not all of them, most easily and equally ascertained as false and, therefore, liesand –and –and, thereforetoo, ... the crime of perjury!Ya’ know, the crimedetailed at Iowa Code, Chapter 720.2. IF only they had been.IF only that other pillar of the community known as daJudge, Judge Sol Wacotler Seizor, had ordered up the tangible proof of ... what it is ... ‘he said’! To continue I must just shake my head, “Herry, you of all people: there is noUniversity of Missouri –Jefferson City at which youcould’ve evertaught, let alone, could have taught full –fucking –time!And moi? ‘... hired as Director’? As ‘director’ of anything? Sure, Mister, suuuuure... just try to inflate my workplace post so that yourmonetary, support –to –meamount will be judge –ordered down –down –down ... down into the toilet!Bloat the fucking hell out of my ––actual ––position before I came to Storm Countyso that here in Ames with all of the veterinary installations here, I can soooo make it withoutalimony, ‘can’t she, Your Honor?’ I was in my first fucking fledgling year after obtaining the PhD, and my title wasnothing fuckingmore than that of AssistantProfessor––as is everyone’s in their very first year ––and you soooo knew that, the smart guy that you are —with such a passel of quite like –titled siblings at various times and the institutions you’ve been around, let alone...the little, itty –bitty frickin’ fact that I was your wife, for chris’sake, and wouldn’t you, therefore,knowmy precise professorial ranking because of just that spousal title and association alone?!”More.“Do you never proofread squat,Dr. Herod Edinsmaier? You know full fucking well that nothing is ever referred toas ‘veterinarian school’ and yet at least three, if not more, times you term it ... exactly that. How fucking dare you diminish the naming of my educational endeavors when,with yourown,you do not –ever–identifyit as ‘doctor school’, Herry!How fucking dare you continue thatdissingof me and of my successes...just because you always have before –and in front ofall three of my children, too?!?How dare you?!? Children whose birth date and, indeed, name you totally fucked up for Jesse and for whomyou could never, not one fucking time, get correctly spelled for Zane. What is up with that, Herry? Thatis unforgivable from a blonde and bloodied secretary, let alone, when perpetratedby a goddamn, mother –fucking father. Children who were never even being considered to be livingonedamn day, not to mention, 217‘raised up’in Kansas City! What the fuck is up with that, too, Herry? We were never even ever goingto live or to school the Boysin Kansas City! That never even fucking came up for discussion between us one time!Ever!”What a friggin’ load of fuckcrock from Herod, O He Who Hypes HimselfUp!


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