Yeah, Dr Maas. Doc.

Once upon a time I had been a veterinary practitioner. Yeah, Dr Maas. Doc. All species and manner and sizes of animals. Except then ... ... after my leaving hospital nursing. Not, o'course, of the animals known as human beings. Some of this time I also was married. Per ... ... the DOMINION of religion, thus legally as well. To a T A K E R. To someone most skilled at A P R O V E C H A R. OF the Patriarchy. Because the Taker was fired for dereliction of his duties inside the program within the Very Middle of his residency as a medical doctor still in training, THEN I ... ... had had to leave my private veterinary practicing there and MOVE five states' distance and 963 miles AWAY ... ... TO the next point OF his trying to finish up his residency somewhere else. The very next early January ( y1983 ), six months' time later, I received in the USPS mails a New Year's greeting card and letter from my former Boss, the owner of and my colleague at the Valley Animal Hospital's practice back East. " We miss you ! " the Boss had written. " The clients miss you and want you back, " he wrote. " We know you 'ad had to leave us, but we sure wish you were here. Again. " That former Spouse, the Taker, read that letter which was written to and about ... ... me. And had of it, directly in to my one, somewhat - working ear, ... ... one remark. Before he turned his back. And walked away. " When Dr Leon R____ wrote this, Pussy ? About you ? He was drunk. "


  1. Your body is not a first aid - kit
    for broken people
    and damaged brains
    and hearts that are too tired
    to fix themselves.

    Your heart is not a hospital
    to rejuvenate
    and spend all of its life blood
    on other people’s problems
    and sadnesses.

    You have been created
    from the blood
    of incalculable planets
    and immense supernovas
    and infinite constellations.

    And they did not spend years
    painting your core
    into masterpiece - like existence
    for you to waste it on someone
    who does not appreciate you.

    from Ms Nikita Gill, '' Your Heart is Not a Hospital ''
    of India by way of Ireland

  2. OUR Darlin' Mr Jennings out of August y1979,
    when I was eight months' pregnant with MY third boy babe=
    " IF it is dark in YOUR World, COME W A L K in MINE. "


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