
Showing posts from July, 2021

WHAT is ON the " legal " record ... ... ¡ AS IF .that. ever mattered ! ¡ It did N O T !

  ¿ Are you one of the former sociopath * - " teachers " in the United States who are a c c o u n t a b l e for ... ... making it SO ? ... ... that: ¡ certain " parents did NOT have The Right TO DENY their children's p l a c e m e n t in OFF - reservation [ OFF - THEIR - HOME's ] schools ! " * = withOUT a conscience Chap 26 = The Opera's Overture One such document of Herry’s, now officially called 'evidence,' was the counterpart to mine: that essay answer which Mr. Jazzy Jinx had nearly first off asked me to chronicle about my life and submit to him. Herry also wrote an autobiographical statement at Mr. Shindy Scheisser’s behest which on 13 February 1989, became part of 'the case record' too, of course, the Trial One case record filed – coded as #9215 – 8801; and it was called the 'Affidavit of Petitioner.' In its earliest beginning words as in all such subsequently properly entered court documents of the Good and Wonderful

WHAT I " Paid " for My Freedom FROM the ConscienceLESS Commander

I know exactly the date = 02 October y1988, Sunday. All three, very young children had just returned to me from his capturing them inside a car's roadtrip ... ... without me present at all ... ... when he told them that he had filed legal papers against me: the Commander picked up off of my desktop - secretary a dirtied teaspoon which he had left there and swung it, pendulum - style, back and forth between his index finger and thumb ... ... whining in front of me a n d all three Boys that ... ... " I don't have my doctor - doctor wife, anymore, ... ... to dangle in front of my family and friends. "  Verbatim.