
WHERE .IS. ... ... the OUTRAGE ?

When I was recently asked what had been the event circa the y1976 - " proposal " of mawwiage to me, I suddenly, now, have had T H E utterly REPRESSED MEMORY of THUS = Yeah, the Middle America at where a Patriarch I used to know, with 12 children birthed out of one rurally isolated and 14 times' pregnant - woman ( from his Gilead - style patriarch's pokings of her ), merely COMMANDED Gilead - style within the springtime of y1976, a coerced / a forced / an ENTRAPPED mawwiage of his son TO ... ... that son's similarly poked handmaid = me. Proposal of mawwiage to ME ? = Fuck. T R U L Y ... ... what was it THEN ? ... ... IT was a D E S P O T I C DICTUM. a MOTHER - FUCKING. Proposal of mawwiage to ME ? = Ha. T R U L Y ... ... what was it THEN ? ... ... IT was a D E S P O T I C DICTUM. ENTRAPPED = Ofherod = by PATRIARCHY, its religioning / its ONE exalted spermatozoon 48 YEARS AGO ... ... NOW = this y2024 - year = F O R C E D / COERCED maw
It cannot be believed that there would NOT be / NEVER be ... ... ... ... ... a RECKONING, a RETRIBUTION, an ACCOUNTABILITY, some semblance of J U S T I C E. After waiting and waiting and waiting = T H A T. Finally. ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** My friend and I both lost our children. Custody warring. USA's patriarchy. Lost our careers and money, We both concur, now, with each other: We should have, instead of mawwying for our kiddos' sperm s o u r c e s: i) assumed a solid pseudonym, ii) traveled halfway across the World somewhere, iii) there, sought out the most intelligent and the most handsome ( to our specifications ) man whom we could locate, iv) fucked him till pregnant, Big Lebowski - style, v) gotten, then, stat, clandestinely and alone upon a return flight home, vi) borne same and vii) lived happily ever after. To be done ... ... as many times as the number of kiddos we wanted.

Chapter Nine ( lost somewhere ): Hope is a Woman - Killer Chapter Nine Hope is a Woman‑Killer “You know, Michael, now that you’re so respectable, I think you’re more dangerous than you ever were.” — Diane Keaton in the role of Kay, Michael Corleone’s estranged wife, … after he has kicked her out and gone to the Vatican, Godfather III There are other ways to continue to kill your wife and not only not have to pay any consequences for these slayings of yours but to actually feel pumped up about committing them. In addition to getting your satisfaction exacted in material goods and the verbal slaughter of her. Gosh, there must just be a bazillion ways. But, by far and away, bar none, the most effective way to kill her legally, the method that will get her out of your way the fastest and forever—while at the very same time putting more moolah back into your own life and, most concertedly away from hers—is to take her children away from her. Forever. Not jus

OF Patriarchy's Religion = Over ALL the World and for ~12,000 Years' Time

a medical group social, March y1980, Hershey, Pennsylvania " 12 babies ? ! What made her stop ? How did she stop having babies ? " Dr Richard Noyae, Chief. "Yeah, a dozen. Wuuull, I guess, aaah, ah, ... ... a hysterectomy stopped her, " Herod Edinsmaier = re I Am Snide = first year - slacker / - laze. And ... ... to be FIRED after only two ( of four total ) resident years' worth. Per Dr Shark, Next Chief. " A hysterectomy ? Fuck. What stopped her POKING Sperm Source was ... ... a M E R C I F U L SURGEON ! " Dr Noyae.

One EXALTED Spermatozoon

Yeah, the Middle America at where a Patriarch I used to know, with 12 children birthed out of one rurally isolated and 14 times' pregnant - woman ( from his Gilead - style patriarch's pokings of her ), merely COMMANDED Gilead - style within the springtime of y1976, a coerced / a forced / an ENTRAPPED mawwiage of his son TO ... ... that son's similarly poked handmaid = me. Proposal of mawwiage to ME ? = Fuck. T R U L Y ... ... what was it THEN ? ... ... IT was a D E S P O T I C DICTUM. A MOTHER - FUCKING. Proposal of mawwiage to ME ? = Ha. T R U L Y ... ... what was it THEN ? ... ... IT was a D E S P O T I C DICTUM. ENTRAPPED = Ofherod = by PATRIARCHY, its religioning / its ONE exalted spermatozoon 48 YEARS AGO ... ... NOW = this y2024 - year = F O R C E D / COERCED mawwiaging ... ... S A M E AS W O R L D W I D E: My ex - father - in - law* BEFORE there was A Thing " Legal " had ALREADY laid CLAIM TO the babe withIN .MY. uterus = TO .MY. preg

Chapter 28 i): An Opera in Three Acts – But with Five Parts ... ... Act Three: Parts Four and Five

“Years ago, still small, I lost my mother. Everyone wept around me, but I grieved in silence, Ignorant that to relieve sorrow, a flood of tears must fall.” --- Thich Nhat Hanh, Viet Nam Ms. Carlotta Klutz telephoned to say she was sorry about how things had turned out up at the Capitol Building after all and that “considering” how I felt about matters, what in the hell was I going to do? No, she didn’t use the word ‘hell’; only I use that genre of expletive in my lexicon from time to time. Likely … as well, within the spate of transactions of business matters such as with ‘my case’ I spake such. A bit more lately, too, than when my Boys were tiny, I must say! Not the language police but Zane himself had cured me –– if I had needed curing from offensive mouth – momism disease –– when he was just three and Mirzah newly suckling at my left breast. “Shit, I pissed all over myself!” came back out of the itty – bitty bathroom at the two of us and at one – year – old Jesse