OF Ms Zawn Villines, Georgia, and of 18 December y2023 =

" To abuse a child's mother .IS. ... ... to abuse the child. NO exceptions. And this includes emotional abuse. "

in re one Midwest's 24 December of a bit ago ... ...
p 82 - 83 / Chapter 14's " Husbandry and Homeland Security Since ... ... y1976 " of " Mother - Fucking " /

" Just like Herry never once rang up my folks living very near to Iowa City to ask them if his most belovéd wife and his most belovéd children had made it there to Grandma’s and Grandpa’s okay. Not one time. Ever. When all four of us–alone and always, always without Herry–traveled to Mehitable’s and AmTaham’s for any kind of those 12½ years’ worth of vacations or holidays or just simple, ordinary visits. It took one hour to slide across slithery Columbia one christmas eve the ice and the wind were so bad. And it was now, on its northernmost slope, dark–time treacherous.

A normal trip to Williamsburg in great weather and with good roads? Six hours. Three little itty bitty kids all lined up in the back in their respective car seats and their mama. Christmas eve and an hour to navigate what normally took a mere 10 minutes. I pulled into the last gas station before leaving the City and rang up mom. To hear Mehitable’s response, you’d’ve thought our not coming for christmas that year was going to bring down the Fires of Hell onto all the little girls’ and all the little boys’ christmases all over the World. “It’s noooot that bad out. The reports here are not what you say. You’re always exaggerating. You don’t know. What’s Herry say? I just know it’s not that bad. You’re overreacting again. Just take it slow. What’s Herry say? You’ve talked to Herry, right? What’s he say? The Boys’ll be sooooo disappointed. How can you take this away from them? Herry wouldn’t. You know he wouldn’t. You know he wouldn’t say no to them. You know that. He wouldn’t sooooo disappoint them like you’re goin’ to.” Mehitable, of course, didn’t right out loud on the telephone say Bitch! Or Stupid! Or Stupid Ass Heifer! Or You Don’t Have a Brain of Your Own! But. She did.

Herry didn’t even look up when we walked back in the door.

At least and, of course so alone the next morning on christmas day, I thanked myself, “We didn’t go. I stood alone. We did not go. I did not try to move–with my babies, with my babies’ breaths –one mother –fucking inch further. Merci. Merci. Danke very much!”

That particular 24 December evening I probably saved all of our lives and the lives of folks we don’t even know and will never know. Another one of those life–altering events that night. Gone wholly unnoticed and unheralded. Except by a mother fucked. I had only myself to give me gratitude. Which is exactly how Herry would have it. What I am thinking now is, “How many, many fucked mothers just like me were also trying to do that, that is, trying to do the impossible that night and every holiday eve before and since? The World over? How many?” Because I certainly know why they are. And why they and their babies die when they do try to accomplish the impossible. The insanely and stupidly impossible dicta of allegedly powerful and controlling others. "

Upon 18 December y2023, a fuckingly notable day, I was asked this query, " What, Ofherod, was your L A S T straw ? " ... ... MY answer =

X had me pinned upon the mattress threatening my left periorbital eye and bone, the CRIME of battery. With eldest of three children upon h i s back trying to pull the Sperm Source OFF of me. X whirls around, grabs up eldest child, out the door, down the path to the river with me behind him now, X turns and threatens US BOTH with throwing IN to the river MY CHILD. Two other younger children are huddled together with each other watching all of this from the yard, fearing that they are next to be thrown in to the river. pg 89 / Chapter Fifteen of https:/ / Mother - Fucking

Later that day, usps mail brought to x, a still practicing medical doctor and, consequently, wealthy X, a package with no return address upon it. He came at noontime for my having made HIS lunch and opened the package in the kitchen: it held a book of religious pornography and was from a woman with whom he had met up at 3:00 am in Chicago's Knickerbocker Hotel ( a medical conference there ) saying that he was there in her room at that hour ... ... " comforting " her.

I told him to leave and to change himself. Instead he went to a back room of the house returning to the kitchen with a " journal " and read out of it to me: his liaisons with 47 other women, their names and his ( I am fucking serious here and exactly as read to me ) " cows, dogs, pigs and chickens " bestiality - CRIMES.

ALL of that did it. I told him to get out. He did. And went straightaway to a divorce lawyer ... ... in order so that X could REMAIN ... ... the VERY SAME as he always had been. HIS family DEconstruction - wont nearly completed.

ALL former red flags NOT seen or else ignored by me. CUZ CUZ HE and his SO VERY MANY sisters and other obsequious sycophantic enabling women TOOOOK FIVE STATES' DISTANCE AWAY FROM ME and over SEVEN YEARS' time trying to fight him and " family " " law " court judges ... ... ALL THREE OF MY BIRTHED CHILDREN.

AND REFUSED TO LET ME EVEN TALK TO THEM, LET ALONE, SEE OR TOUCH THEM. UNTIL they grew to be 18 and older. The three were .T A K E N. at their ages of 8, 9 and 11.

Mothers, K N O W this IN TO YOUR CORES and JOIN https:// to fight for JURIES to decide custody, NOT patriarchal judges, even its ones who are mothers themselves ! KNOW in to your cores Dr Millett's ( y1970 ) WISDOM: " The CHIEF Institution of the PATRIARCHY .IS. ... ... The Family. "


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