Chapter 26.3

219This ‘we employ’ thing? “I, it was I, wasn’t it Herry, who did absolutely allof the arranging for childcare? Never the fuck was it ever you!” Never the fuck any sort of ‘we’ about ANYpart of the 26 in –home childcare provider–hires and six daycare facilities over 11 years’ worth, was there now ...was there a ‘we’ to doing anyof that childcare arranging! Truthfully, Herry?!Was there?!And the expression of desire to go to Missouri? This is juuuust choice this particular lie so is! Herry brought this up, and he fucking brought it up first! “Big reason why, too, isn’t there, Herry? Why you so desperately wanted to leave Pennsylvania and moveto Missouri, isn’t there?––Right there in the very middle of your medical residency program?!?When hardly any such level of resident ever, ever does that?!? Anywhere?!? There is a biiiig, big reason whyyouwanted that, isn’t there, Slacker Herry?But how come, Herry, how come you didnottell Judge Seizor how it was that Dr. Shark –your supervisor –at Hershey had repeatedlyturned you in to the PathologyDepartment administration on pink slip warnings?! For FUCKING UP AS A MEDICAL DOCTOR!!! Cuz of YOUR FUCKING POOR, POOR SLACKERWORK HABITS. Cuz of your fuck –off work habitsand procrastinations every single day and not having your work done and god knows what the fuck else! Like your trouble with taking orders from other men, your passive aggression, your narcissism and maybe they all knew about one –fucking –too –many ofyour hospital coffee shop tête à têtes withall of your twatly lab techs! Didn’t they all? Didn’t SupervisorShark?! He knew you to be an utter medical staffer fuckup, didn’t he?!”“All of those hours and hours and hours you frittered away. Squandered, You Fucking Selfish Slacker, so we soooo just ‘had to have a lot of babysitters?’ Fuck that, Herry. You needed a lot of babysitters, both literally for your sons cuz you so were not there for them. And, figuratively. Cuz Dr. Shark and the other bosses couldn’t get you to willingly and cheerfully accept their authority over you and get their assignments to you fucking done correctly and in a timely manner! Now that is the fucking Truth,and you didn’t think I knew and Judge Seizor sure’s hell didn’teither, did he?! That it was youwho wanted to leave Hershey because you couldn’t get along, and they were about to fucking fire you right there in the fucking middle of your residency, something pretty much unheardof, huh?!Thatis why we left Hersheyfor Missouri ––instead of just my taking graduate classes there!True that is. O so head bangingly true it is. Straight up.” And this? O, thiscould so easily have been tangibly proved to a judge, too. Pink fucking slips evidentiarilyscripted down regarding Dr. Herod Edinsmaier all over the pink fucking Hershey Medical Center personnel records’ landscape.But, no ––never any such tangible proof did any judge see. Or, as a matter of lamentable fact, did any judge careto see.I graduate notin June 1986! “In June 1986? In June 1986,Lying Herry, I am getting up at 4 am on every single Friday morning to drive four hours from Manhattan over to Columbia to sleep on cushions on my grad student office floor and then drive home Monday nights in June 1986, to be back to attend children before beginning my first assistant professorship which did not start until July 1986. So no, Herry, I marched and was hooded on 01 August 1986, after two grueling summer months to finish totally and completely in four fucking years flat–absolutely fricking all there was to an entire PhD dissertation and degree program in Veterinary Microbiology which you cannot even fucking spell correctly –something most persons, female or male, with three babies under five years of age have no idea of even starting, let alone, aren’t capable of finishing. But I did. I did that, Herry, didn’t I? In four fucking years flat I did it all! And, no ... no, no, no. No, soooo nooooo, thanks for any of it to you. You, ifyou did anything at all, Herry, you so hindered me. You so fucked with me, didn’t you?” “Two more I’ll make the effort of which to explain the Truths. If I can get over laughing so hysterically here. And those are the bloody ludicrous and mucked –up statements you, Daddee Herry, ... that you made about being ‘unemployed’ when a mama –when a mamaanywhere–hasthree little kids. That one?! That one just fucking stands alone, so stupid and loud it is, doesn’t it, Jury? Soooo stupid! Soooo patriarchally stupid!”And about Herry’s commitment to me and to the Truemaier Boys about us all staying in Ames for them to graduate high school?!I guess really the only explanation necessary here is thisone: this is the mother –fucking first time I’ve ever heard of such a commitment of Herry’s!In this affidavit, that is!In other 220words, Herry, there neverwas such an avowal of yours for true, was there?! Never before this affidavit!You fucking made that one up! Just to snow daJudge!Gosh, on that one, too, I just cannot stop laughing. Except for this reason. That here? With this particular lie of yours, Herry? How could there be such hard –and –fast proof to a judge that there ever really was or there wasn’t such a promise made at all? It was never written down so, Yeah Jury, it’s one example of the thousands and thousands and thousands all over Acts One, Two and Three of a family civil court phenomenon known as ‘he –said / she –said’. We shall so read and hear many, many more of these thousands!”The lies of Section B about Herry’s involvement as a father with his children are hilariously ridiculous, too. And, every fucked mother today 14 years out from these of Herry’s, tells me she reads in her “sworn” divorce and custody documents so such the very same ones. And they get away with them. Nearly all fathers do today, too. Fathers, anykind of them, are back to wresting total custody away –that is, they are back to the taking of their perceived “ownership,” their self –directed, self –centered aprovechar–their taking away from biological and other mothers at a rate unparalleled for 75–some odd years. But not since before about 1920, or 1930, though. Except for the last seven decades or so. In other words, at a rate just thevery precise same as that for the last 12 millennia. Lies like Herry’s, besides the maleness –like –the –pillared –judge thing, are why, too. i)“Zena” instead of Zane throughout the entire affidavit, not just Section B. For every instance where Zane is named in Herry’s sworn affidavit, Zane’s alleged “father” doesn’t get myfirstborn’s first name correct ever. Ever. What does that say? I mean, what the fuck does that scream?!ii)“Jesse, born December 15, 1978,” iii)“From 1974 through 1978, we jointed shared in all child care responsibilities with the exception of bathing and breastfeeding. I cooked, cleaned, did laundry, and changed diapers. ... the time demands required we equally share the child caring responsibilities,” iv)“During the 1978-79 schoolyear, I commuted back from Iowa City to Amesevery weekend,” v)regarding Hershey, “we needed a babysitter,” vi)“because Legion was working nights, I would get up in the morning to care for the children and attend to their morning needs,” vii)“However, at night I cared for the children. At this stage of the boys’ lives, toilet training became important. Because my wife Legion is deaf in her left ear, when the children would get up in the middle of the night, as they often did, they would come and wake me up andI would tend to their toilet and other nightly needs,” viii)“I became quite involved in taking care of the children during this period of time,” ix)“I played a primary role in deciding the choice of school, and the age in which the children would enter school,” x)“I continue to hold their education part of their wellbeing and my main concern in life,” xi)“I have done everything I could to help [Zena] accomplish that [art] skill,” xii)“On Mondays, Fridays, and on the weekends, however, I helped to those things. We employed no babysitters on those days I was home,” xiii)“I still helped with all childrearing responsibilities,” xiv)“I consider the children to be my primary responsibility regardless of how tired I may be ... But my first commitment is to my kids ... I made a commitment to my children that we would stay in Ames and the children would graduate from highschool in Ames.” How many are these? Fourteen? Just in The Lie Department alone to daJudge, I –I, Legion True ... that’s Doctor Legion True, –I rate more liesabout me from Herry than do even all three kids! Well, that––thatright there must be something upon which to brag, not?!But about them, thoselies about the kids? Jesse? Born 15 December? “Shit, Herry, that means you up and fucked this mother that I so am right after, well, ... probably in the goddamn hospital delivery room, doesn’t it?!Like the vag exam models you were mind –raping back in med school? Why do I say that? Why? Well, do the frickin’ math, So –Many –Degreed Herry. How in thehell, if you didn’t fuck me 221right there and then after I’d immediately just bulldozed Jesse out, then how in the hell did I go on to grow, also propel out and begin lactating Mirzah in just nine months and two weeks later!?!”“JYeah, I know you knew I,twice, twice in just that nearly identical four –year length of time, I Legion was gestating and lactating at the very same goddamn time –twice! Pregnant with Jesse and nursing Zane, then pregnant with Mirzah but yet still nursing Jesse. Hence, the reason for the exhaustion collapse ontothe fucking Solon veterinary practice’s floor with Miss Evelyn, we come to find out the next day when I –alone, of course–visit my doctor, don’t we, Herry? Don’t we?! You, Husband Herry, who did absolutely fuckingnothing as a spouse, let alone, as a scientist or as a physician about birth –controlling! But, hey, even for me, being fucked and impregnated right there on the delivery room table in order to shell out Mirzah in just another nine monthsflat, ... evenfor me!,that’s damn nearmighty fuckin’ miraculous, MormonyCatholic Herry!! !”“So Jesse wasn’tborn on 15 December, was he, Herry, but exactly four months earlierthan that, wasn’t he, Herry –that is, on 15 August instead!? What another hoot! The so –called “father” of child #2 –and a man of medicine at that –can’t even get Jesse’s fucking birthday, ah, er ... that’sJesse’s birthing day... correct! Yet I’m the one who went into that courtroom the first and every time after Act One thinking ... believing... that this sort of thing wouldmatter to Judge Sol Wacotler Seizor –about who was primary in our lives and for whom were we each primary ––when ... it, so veryclearly,never did matter! In just telling this –it becomes even more so when considering all of your lies of how responsible and of how accountable you swear that you were, Herry? Getting up in the goddamn nighttime with the Boys, getting up in the morning with the Boys and having them ready for the goddamn day. These? These lies projecting onto yourself that which I am responsible, truly responsible for, fucking diss me the most –because, god knows and so does every other mother whether single, staying married or becoming single again, that the Boys and I soooo could have used that accountability from you. Every one of us mothers can, but this daJudge already knows before you even lie to him. His ‘Honor’, daJudge, has lied to himself about how it is that his ex –wife only ‘babysat’ his four daughters like you, too, called my mothering ––my parenting ––of thevery own babies whom I alone ... grew! ... ‘babysitting,’Herry. daJudge tells himself, too, just how splendid and just how fantastic a housekeeper and a mighty fine childcare provider he, too, was. So when you say you are, you did, you made, you got up, you coached, you drove, you cleaned, you cooked, you encouraged art and mechanics ––you soooo sacrificed your own wants and desires because you gave the Boys your very all––? Why, ... you are soooo, sofucking good at it and that you, most importantly here, will now quitedefinitely keep thatall up and that that’s why you should be given full physical care custody, why, fuck Herry, you’re home free with ... with ‘His Honor’: the goddamn lying –to –his –own –self Mr. Also –Pillared Judge Man!”“But, hey Herry, you better here notlie toooo goddamn well. Or, you just might! You can, for chris’sake! You canend up having physical care custody of all three of myTruemaier Boysand then youreally, really having to do it all alone like I, in Truth, diddo! Ha! Herry! You better watch it here with this sugar and honey slopof yoursto daJudge! And lastly, Herry, regarding that I –am –so –accountable –to –my –kids lie #iv), the one where you were supposedly commutingback and forth every weekend the year of 1978 to 1979? What a grueling toll on you that must’ve been: why, boo –hoo, boo –fucking –hoo, poor you, poor you ... Huh? And so, too, would daJudge so surely think it hard and soooo parentingly committed ofyou to’ve done, not? Well, really though, Herry, what about that? Is that –any of it–True?!I mean I finished and graduated from veterinary medical school on a Saturday morning in the middle of May 1978, Jesse well long into my belly some six months already with BabyZane in tow, and began working –—I did–––at the Solon, Iowa, practice the very next Monday morningbecause we were all, by then, moved and living in that coral –colored trailer on the edge of Iowa City! Soooo: why whatever for then, Herry, were you ––as you swear that you were––driving every mother –fucking weekend back and forth to Ames from 1978 to 1979!? Weeeell, that just didn’t quite happen that way, did it? Not for even ooooone weekend did you‘sacrifice’!Noteven at all!!”“Section C is the funniest, though. Truly. The Boys are not mentioned so I feel very little sorrow with regard to C and readthere, Truly,only the sick humor of Herry’s! The 51 words about how he drankbooze, beer alone it was, Jury, but saw the Light! And sought the Light! JYeah, riiiight, Herry, since 1977, you spent all of those years in self –improvement, did you?!? Noooot!!! Not since 1977, did you get 222fucking help from anyone, leastof all from alcoholics anonymous or even maintain a membership there! What a load of crockshit, Herry!” This would’ve, too, been so easily tangibly proved ––had Judge Seizor simply ordered it to be so tangibly proved ––which, of course,...he soooo did not. And C’s entire second paragraph, all only about Dr. Legion True and my long and deep sufferings of bookoo disorders within disorders!That is so funny. I never even knew till rereading this now as I typed it that I suffered codependency from Husband #1 John’s problems with drugs! John smoked pot now and then: let’s see, back this would’ve been before, during and just after Woodstock to which we hitchhiked together in mid August of 1969, and he did a couple of hits of LSD after that I think and, hhmmm, what else? Nothing. Nothing of which I ever knew! Perhaps he had done more, but I didn’t know of it. ‘Problems with drugs’I did not know John to havehad; he smoked marijuana but noteven that regularly and functioned in his day job as a New York City travel trade magazine writer just fine. And liked it! No problems of which I ever knew. Let alone, of which ...Iever told Herry! “Now? Now I am having to defend, defend, defend ... for a person –John –whom Herod Edinsmaier hasn’t even met! Never even one time –yet Herry sooooknows, doesn’t he, Your ‘Honor’, ... and is, carte blanche, permitted by you to disparage even John!”“And not only is there no Regional Substance Abuse Center, but I was the ‘fall of 1987’, Herry, fucking coaching Mirzah’s soccer team, the one for which you so flamboyantly volunteered to be the coach, wasn’t I?! But you only showed up twice! Two times only! And then with no funky soccer mamas to scope out, suddenly you couldn’t, by its season’s very third practice, ... you, Dr. Herod Edinsmaier, you justcouldn’t seem to get away to coach anymore at all! ... so that I went on to do all of your sessions that entire autumn. I never had any time for therapy:I was working! As a parent! As...the primary parent!”“And ‘the violent temper’pronouncement?Here was more projection onto me, Jury, and,this time,all of the blame, too! Let’s recap here for real, Herry. The Truth. On this thing, Herry, deal. Deal with it. Straight up. Literally dead serious.”“I am not the one here, Herry, who goes ballistic at the mere mention in your earshot vicinity of the two words, ‘gay guy’, am I? Not only am I the veterinarian and you the pathologist, I the caretaker and healer of living creatures not even able to tell me what feels wrong with them and you the dead –carver and tissue –splitter who doesn’t even have to tryto relate to his ‘patients’ ––literally ––at all;but it was you, Doctor –“Healer” Herod Edinsmaier, you, Herry, who actually handed that mother at the Columbia morgue door her very own deadthree –year –old child, naked, without so much as a crib sheet covering its lifeless corpse. That wasyou, too, Dr. Edinsmaier, youwho right out loud mocked and chortled, you who snorted and sneered and sniggered at me every single time I spoke to you or anyone else within your range of hearing about ... the mother –child bond. At that––at the bond between child and mother––you Herry, you actually fucking laughed. Every single time. Must be why, Herry, you could actually threaten both Zane and me with Zane’s death,couldn’t you? Besides the violence of your woman –hating pornography that you consumed withmy little ones, you actually threatened to kill my child, too, didn’t you, Herry? And just the very year before! So I am not talking about the cold, late November when Robyn and Robin, thank goodness, werehome when I so needed them, am I, cuz that happened in Columbia in the presence of all three of myeven littler sons then, didn’t it? When you physically hoisted me up onto your shoulder and flung me over your back like a bag of feed or a sack of some much shittin’ waste. And threw me out of my home. My own home. You, “The Good Doctor,” did that, and then you up and locked me clean out of it. For two days and two cold, November nights. Away from my home and away from my babies. And I had to askmy friends,Robyn and Robin,fora temporary place to crash! No, Herry, I’m not talking about your earlier years of brutality, tyranny and terrorism;I’m talking about Othello Driveright here in Ames––inside itand behind it. How come ya’ left this one out of your affidavitto daJudge Man, Herry? It’s not like a year laterwhenwriting and submitting thisaffidavit to ‘The Court,’ya’ couldn’t’ve remembered having perped it, is it?!You threatenedto hurl Zane into the swollen and raging and so freezing Squaw Creek behind our home in the damned Brookside Forest that last spring of 1988. With Jesse who was 9 and Mirzah just 8 huddled and gaping on together back up on the deck, Herry. So afraid they were that you were coming back up there for the two of them next. So was I! You were going to throw them in, too, weren’t you? Or threaten to. And we all knew it. It was just a matter of your coming back up there to the deck for them, too. I am down on mymother –fucking knees clinging to Zane’s legs ... begging and 223begging and begging You, the Good and Wonderful Doctor, not to kill him. This, followed it was by your ever, ever famous snide smirkface squint of ... ‘Gotcha, Bitch!’, this death threat of killing my child–after Zane, just age 11, hadjumped up onto your back trying his damnedestto get you, Daddy Dearest, off... of me! You had me, Dear Doctor Sperm Donor of mychildren, pinned down –your knee crushing my breastbone –to the master bed with your raised and clenched fist threatening my left periorbital bone, eye, forehead and cheek, hadn’t you?! You whirled up and around, swept up Zane and ran with him, him now pinned intoyour clutch to the riverbank with me rushing and begging behind and Jesse and Mirzah staring on aghast and so full of fear. You did that, Herry. You and you alone. Just the year beforethis very affidavit! Your children come first, do they? At all times even? So accountable are you with their responsibilities, are you? Just right on top of it at all times? Riiiiiight, Dr. Edinsmaier, I’ll say you are. You just keep on telling daJudge that fuck. You know he never checks for sure, does he? You know that. For certain you do, doncha’?”These pillared male judges about whom Dr. Herod Edinsmaier soooo, so looksquite like? Why, they’ll never, never, ever check out Liar Herry’s stories for how real, for how True –or not–they are, will they?! “You so, so know this one wee fact, don’t you?! They will not. So it endsup, doesn’t it,O Great Fathering One ... that cuz of who you actually resemble in maleness and in pillaredness, ... ... that it is soooo, soooo easyto lie to and to deceiveanyoneinside an American civil court of ‘law’ and get clean, slick away with it,isn’t it?! You literal Mother –Fucker!”“So much for short, short section C. On to D. Its lies. i) ‘in 1985, she gathered the children around and told them they would never see me again until they were 16. This caused two of our children to run away from home for a short period of time.’ Truth? Truth is, isn’t it, Herry: Zane ran away because I gathered him around and told him he couldn’t go off fishing by himself at Robyn and Robin’s that afternoon! And that I wasn’t able to take him out fishing to Finger Lakes State Parkeither. And when–in his running away –he got as far away as the busy, eight –lane intersection about four blocks from our duplex, he paused for several minutes, then even angrier because there was no way he could get across it,Zane turned aroundand trudged back on home. And how do I know any of this, Herry? How? Isn’t it because Jesse and I told youwhat he and I were really doing while all of this was happening to Zane? The two of us, Jesse and I, had gathered ourselves, hadn’t we Herry, into the Shitbox Dodge and were followingZaneout of his view, Jesse beside me on the front seat, and both of us saw this entire display, didn’t we?!Then we also told youthat both of us witnessed from a side street where we were parkedsomething else most disconcerting: that when a Columbia cop drove right by Zane in that July heat and saw him all covered up there on the corner in his heavy winter parka packing a fishing pole and a bunch of other gear but with no winter and no frozen –over pond anywhere within that hot summer’s sight, that cop still didn’t do a thing. He didn’t even pull over and stop to talk to Zane and ask him what was up. We told you all of thiswhen you got home!It was 1985 all right so Zane, being all of 9 years of age, looked only that old to anyone. Especially, we thought, to a lawman. Jesse, only 7, even remarked on it: that how could a policeman drive on by a little kid dressed like that and packing belongings and obviously looking like he was trying to cross a busy, busy highway and not even notice?! Now thatiswhat really happened! That’s what the Truth is, isn’t it, Herry?!And, furthermore, it was I and Jesse who were keeping guard over Zane. It was never, never, never you, Daddee –Herry, who was safekeeping Zane –ever!” And as regards lie #ii) the minimal access? “Why, Herry, you know whythat really happened, you pornography perv!!!It is easier to lie to and to deceive in an American court of civil law, isn’t it? I gave them over to your mother –fucking, perverted ‘fatherly care’up till early January 1989, every single friggin’ weekend for over 48 hours and then, well, you wouldnotstop with your true addiction. You wouldn’t even try. You wouldn’t even try to stop –or go to get help to try to cease with it.Fuck, you won’t even acknowledge it to this day –let alone, the crimes of providing pornography to minor children, O Pillared Daddee! So, hell, was I to endanger the Boys longer than that?!I think not!!!”Little did I know then what Rachel has since so succinctly stated, “And don’t you forget it, Legion: there jus’ ain’t no judge who doesn’t surf pornhimself!” Rachel is, well, right on the very mark, isn’t she? “And not only the judges, is it Herry? It was Mr. Jazzy Jinx himself, my attorney, whose den, like yours Herry, also contained Playboyfor his –and for who else’s, for all we know –for his casual off hours’ perusal. It was Mr. Jazzy Jinx who, himself physically manhandling me, rammed me –—his very own 224client, for chris’sake! –—upside the inside of his slammed office door and bellowed at me, ‘Shut up, Legion! Now you just shut up ‘bout this sex addiction stuff! You’re so exasperating, Legion! You have to shut up about this, you hear me! Cuz, cuz, a ... ah ... ah ... a lottanice people read Playboy, Legion. An’ ah, ah, it isn’t gonna play well. In court I mean. You can’t be saying this stuff in court, I’m tellin’ ya! It just won’t play there at all! Believe me!’ Even though it was The Fucking Truth, it wouldn’t play well there in court Jinx had just fucking admitted, Herry. Soooo, how would I know about his own goddamn den, do ya’ suppose, Herry? S’pose someone else who knows pornography’spernicious deadliness told me about it when she happened to be therein it –Jinx’s den –when at his own home visiting? S’pose someone –other than I! –thinks pornography in the hands of little children is a ... well, what, Herry? What would thatbe, Herry, d’ya’s’pose?! Try the word ‘crime’! We think it’s a mother –fucking crime, Herry, don’t we, Realtor Madonna and I do?! As regards ‘the safety and wellbeing of children and moral climate’ of section fucking D, Herry?”Pornography, anyform of it, in the hands of, let alonein the subscribed –to name of, minor children are the crimes of child endangerment and child abuse. Thatis what it really is. “But daJudge, even my own lawyer besides yours, Herry, and of course, you yourself, Daddy Herry Dearest? Were you all going to point all of your fingers back at yourselves ever? More accurately, were they each ever going to stop this woman –loathing act? O, let’s just fucking summon up the First Amendment here. The one no woman ever had a hand or voice in constructing, that First Amendment. And the one that, whenconstructed, was never done so by those men with the intent by any of them that it would alsowork for the Not Males, the DEhumans, the females. Just summon itup. And, ‘Move the hell on,’Jinx was so loud, so angry and soooo hands –on that afternoon. One thing more I can now say with the staunchest of strength, conviction and will, ‘Herry, just whoooooa! You just back the fuck up here. Nooooo invoking the First Amendment with me you don’t, not any bloody damn more, you don’t! No fucking First Amendment on this with me, Herry Daddee. Not with me. How dare you entitle this section D anything––anything at all––about the so –called, alleged safetyorwellbeing or moral climate for kids. The very kids who were sperm DNA –spawned by you. How mother –fucking dare you, Herod Edinsmaier, You Child –Molesting Criminal!’”* * * *Withthat same infamous, two –word lead –in phrase of very common legalese ... “comes now,” then ... comes now the Respondent’s Affidavit,the one dated 10 February 1989, and, as importantly, also known to all of us as “evidence” for Sol Wacotler Seizor’s judging. Note very, very well the near –to –complete absence, in seven pages of single –lined type, of any negative referenceto my then still –husband, DoctorHerod Edinsmaier. “I, Legion True, am the Respondent in a dissolution of marriage action concerning Herod Edinsmaier, my husband, which is called case no. 9215 in the District Court for Storm County. On 06 June 1988, my husband chose to leave the family residence at 5221 Othello Drive. Our three children, Zane Truemaier, Jesse Truemaier, and Mirzah Truemaier, then ages 11, 9 and 8, respectively, lived with me at the family residence, spending the late spring and summer involved with functions including the finishing of the school year, Quakerly activities, soccer, Little League, swimming, and two birthday celebrations. They saw their father at two of his residences at his, their and my requests on an occasional basis. During the latter half of August 1988, Herod Edinsmaier requested to have the children everyweekend from his picking them up at the family residence at 5 p.m. Fridays to his returning them to the family residence Sundays at 6 p.m. I did not feel this arrangement to be just in light of our frequent Quakerly activities on First Day, but nevertheless, I allowed that this arrangement commence on Friday, 02 September 1988, provided we discuss and implement a new arrangement on 02 January 1989. Herod Edinsmaier wanted the date to be 03January 1989. I agreed to the 03 January 1989 date. Subsequently, all three boys were taken from the family residence every weekend by their father, including Thanksgiving and the New Year’s. I was allowed to have them Saturday, 24 December 1988, if, in exchange, I allowed him to have them Monday, 26 December 1988, which I did allow.I discussed with all three boys alternative arrangements before the 03 January 1989 meeting with Herod Edinsmaier. On 03 January 1989, I did not agree to his wanting an arrangement involving the following: he was to pick all three boys up from school Fridays at 3 p.m. and have their primary physical care until I would pick them up from school at 3 p.m. Tuesdays. Instead, I asked for and subsequently implemented 225the arrangement that i) the boys wanted, and ii) my attorney, Mr. Jinx, and I felt was in the best interests of all the children: a) that their father have one, two or all three of them whenever he, they, or I wanted, when it was mutually agreeable, excepting out that the children always stay overnight at the Othello Drive family residence on school nights and b) that for the three months of summer, they spend either the first or last contiguous six weeks with one or the other parent. This arrangement is currentlyin place and from the Boys’, my attorney’s, and my perspective, working generally well. At times, plans have been made that are not kept by Herod Edinsmaier. At other times before the visitation occurs, Herod Edinsmaier refused to change plans or to be flexible about situations that arise after initial arrangements have been made. The boys always have received and continue to receive their personal mail, as does their father, at the address of the current family dwelling, 5221 Othello Drive. The boys have their own telephone name listings for and received calls at (515) 555 –5584, my personal telephone number. Overall, the boys and I feel that their best interests in this regard are liberally being considered and met and I feel I should maintain the sole primary physical custody of Zane, Jesse and Mirzah for these following other reasons:1.I work full –time in the home as a homemaker and mother, am in town both during the day and night every day of the week and at home together with the children all evenings, except for occasional short periods devoted to civic responsibilities, or Al –Anon meetings. 2.I am presently in excellent physical and good mental health. I was hospitalized in 1954, and 1960, for a tonsillectomy and an emergency appendectomy, respectively. My only other hospitalizations have been for the births of my children in 1976, 1978, and 1979. 3.I try to be an example for my children that includes showing them that I take care of myself:a.We four are active Quakers since November 1983, and official members of the ReligiousSociety of Friends since 12 June 1988. I serve on the Ames Friends Meeting’s Peace and Social Concerns Committee and its Financial Committee. The children are welcome at and may attend all these meetings. I have taken care for their spiritual custody since their births.b.I read a great deal –to myself –and aloud to them and always have.c.I am very active in a political party and in nonpartisan politics, that includes being a mobilevoter registrar. The children attend many of the functions with me –and are encouraged to and do participate in these political activities.d.I have always belonged to their schools’ PTAs, and currently serve on the PTA’s Principal’s Advisory Committee and am their school’s representative on the Superintendent’s Advisory Council, whose primary function involves construction of the $20,000,000 Ames School District budget. The children often attend PTA, PAC, and SAC meetings with me.e.I am a sports and exercise enthusiast –jogging an average of 25 minutes daily including winters, sometimes accompanied by the boys on their bicycles. I quit smoking cold turkey on 11 August 1983. I enjoy helping them with their baseball, basketball, fishing and ice fishing, swimming and soccer skills including coaching Mirzah’s soccer team when Herod Edinsmaier was no longer able to do so, and I continued to do so in subsequent seasons. My volunteering for their teams includes meeting deadlines and coordinating treats and rides. I am a licensed Iowa Certified Safe Hunter, having helped our eldest, Zane, also achieve his Certification and the pleasure of safe hunting. f.I eat nutritiously –and in so doing, they do so also. Our diet consists of low fat, low cholesterol, lowsodium, nocaffeine, high fiber, and is balanced daily with respect to the basic four food groups. The boys make their own school lunches nightly with my supervision.g.I play piano, flute and guitar, and have daily shepherded all three boys through two ormore years of Suzuki piano instruction, and now encourage the eldest with his trumpet practice. h.I love and have owned or cared for many animals. The boys presently own and, under my supervision, care for a cat, a snake, and two finches as well as whatever else if found injured, orphaned or otherwise in need of individual attention. Great respect in the regard for animals, property and environment is a given in my and Zane’s hunting procedure.i.I alwaysuse a seat belt. They do, too. I buckled them in from their respective first rides home from the birthing hospitals and have either done so myself or seen that they or others supervise this measure ever since. This given extends to their friends, and anyone else riding with us is requested to use their belts also. 226j.I have alwaysseen that the family dwelling is locked or as secure as possible at night. The boys are now responsible for doing this procedure before retiring when they stay overnight at their father’s residences. k.I have personally acquired formal education and have been responsible for overseeing all three boys' formal curricula, including my just visiting school for the day several times for each boy and have done so yearly since they have attended any elementary school. I also help daily with their remembering to do their homework, never doing the assignments for them but assisting where appropriate. I also provide all necessary transportation or other assistance to them so that they may pursue before and after school activities. As soon as the present family dwelling is sold we shall move to the immediate neighborhood of that school so that meeting varying school –related activity schedules, including friendships, by all three boys can easily be met by walking. At the time of purchasing 5221 Othello Drive, in July and August of 1987, a residence in that school’s immediate neighborhood suitable to Herod Edinsmaier was not found.l.I appreciate punctuality and try to show the boys how and where punctuality is useful, kind and wise in all their affairs.m.I advocate accident and disease prevention that includes smoke detectors installed when and where absent, daily humidification for dry winter air, water safety equipment and lessons, prudent housekeeping measures, especially involving safetyand hygiene. That includes removal of unnecessary obstacles, removal of animal manure from home or yard, removal of extra –ordinary build up of molds and mildew from bathroom fixtures and appropriate lessons and equipment for other unfamiliar or dangerous activities such as hunting, wrestling, skateboarding, etc.n.I appreciate good grooming and take care of my appearance and countenance. In like manner, I have taught the boys, and for six years now they have known the basics of, how to do or help with their own laundry. They bathe daily and I encourage them in the discipline of keeping themselves and their immediate space free of clutter and filth, and in appropriate condition. I respect their and they respect my modesty, especially in matters of physical appearance and speech.o.I advocate and practice energy, resources’ and money conservation. Examples include the turning off of unused utilities, water conservation, coupon shopping, use of clotheslines when available, the practice of Quaker Frugal at least once weekly and savings accounts or plans. The boys directly or personally participate in all these measures because I have helped them to understand the wisdom of their use. Wise and proper handling of all property, including their own, and the environment is observed and encouraged.p.I am in excellent physical and good mental health as evidenced by a complete annual physical examination performed by Dr. Robert Narod of Ames, Iowa, on 02 November 1988, that included my annual influenza immunization. At that time, Dr. Narod offered me medication to aid in sleeping, my having received the news exactly one month earlier on 02 October 1988, that I was being divorced; but I refused it and have never used any such medication because of that news or at any time during the separation. I attend Al –Anon meetings approximately twice weekly and openAlcoholics Anonymous meetings twice weekly because of the alcoholic spouse in my life and have done so since October 1987, learning to understand the “dry drunk” syndrome. Furthermore, the children currently attend many of these meetings with me. In addition, we four attend two family counseling programs weekly. At the Iowa State University Department of Family Environment, I am learning how to father and the boysare being helped to deal with underage smoking, nightmares, boredom and confusion. At the weekly Nurturing Program with Youth and Shelter Services, Ames, Iowa, we are all four learning or relearning ways of nurturing each other. The boys have been or are currently active in stress groups or children of alcoholic families groups at either Youth and Shelter Services or with the guidance counselor of their Kate Mitchell Elementary School. I make a habit of staying well and missing very few days of work or endeavor yearly; they also stay well and in school. When situations requiring immediate medical or dental attention do arise, I have alwaysbeen there for all of them; and in follow –up, I have seen to it that directives, medications, necessary exercises or equipment (eye patching, calf muscle exercises, eyeglasses, shoe arches, bandages, corrective braces or slings, limb wraps, etc.) and 227return visits have been complied with. I have also seen to their routine physical examinations, semiannual dental appointments and nightly tooth care since infancy.q.I believe in love and try daily to practice nonviolence in allaffairs, trustworthiness, equality, listening, compassion, charity, sensitivity, kindness, friendship, honesty, humility and awareness. What my interpretations are of these qualities I have tried to give my three boys as guides for them to use in choosing their directions. My interpretations include the “little things”: caring to remember to fix BLT on toast for breakfast from time to time,to decorate for Valentine’s Day, to send their godmother a birthday card or their grandfather a typed letter for the heck of it –and to show him their keyboarding skills, to help check under the pillow after the Tooth Fairy visited, to get Santa’s work done by 5 a.m. Christmas Day, to color the Easter eggs and to bake the birthday cakes –each of these things, year after year, to care to remember to renew the boys’ subscriptions before the deadlines; and some “not so little things”: how to make friends and to be a friend (Friend), how to wake up every morning loving your brothers and wishingfor them and helpingthem to achieve respect and well –being for more of their day that day than less of their day that day, how to apologize to somebody, and when they, the boys, have been truly wronged, how to help them admit this injustice to themselves and feel comfortable, able and deserving in asking that that errant person apologize to them, and how to help them believe that they have the right to mess up, to make mistakes, to blow it, to disappoint themselves and to fall short of the mark. I love my husband, Herod Edinsmaier, and my boys, Zane, Jesse and Mirzah. For all that means, I believe all of their best interests are being and will best be served by my maintaining the children’s sole primary physical care.Attached is a letter from my parents with whom I and the children have frequent contact. [Grandpa and Grandma True’s Williamsburg, Iowa, inside address]06 February 1989REMARKSTo Whom It May Concern:1). Legion participates in the children’s school activities. We both, as Legion’s parents and as the boys’ grandparents, visited their Kate Mitchell Elementary School (on the far southside of Ames) on Tuesday, 31 January 1989. Several teachers volunteered that these boys, all three, are talented. We have observed homework being done under her guidance and direction. Legion attends P.T.A. and is much concerned about the curriculum, the school budget, and the financial welfare of the entireAmes School system. The family lives on Othello Drive near 13thSt. on the northside of Ames, but because Legion feels that the modified –open –classroom mode of teaching being offered at Kate Mitchell Elementary School provides desirable advantages over the more conventional closed classroom system, she personally drives the children to and from school daily.2). After we realized that the oldest son was a nature lover and much interested in hunting and fishing, his grandfather gave the boy, now age12, a birthday gift of a Savage .22 –.410 beginning shooter’s gun, an over / under rifle / shotgun. It was his mother who saw to it that the boy took (and passed) a formal course in gun handling, gun safety, and marksmanship from experts in the Ames Chapter of the Izaak Walton League. Legion herself also took the same coursework at the same time, passed all requirements, and often takes her son hunting during legal season. Both mother and all three boys enjoy the outdoors in the recreational sense as well as otherwise.3). Furthermore, Legion herself likes all athletic sports that her sons enjoy and takes part in them also –even to the extent that she coaches teams. 4). Legion expects the children to join in routine household tasks, and occasionally gives appropriate reward if assigned work is well done. 2285). She does not hesitate to tackle difficult maintenance jobs herself. She has taught herself and knows a great deal about the mechanics of home and family equipment like the care of the laundry equipment, and is already teaching the boys the rudiments of such knowledge.6). She is punctual –carries out decisions, once they are made.7). Because of her profound, congenital deafness in one ear, she constantly has to improvise ways and meansof dealing with even a simple problem, such as responding to a child’ question when she is on the telephone.8). Legion watches very carefully the health needs and safety precautions of and for the boys, and often discusses these concerns with us. Scheduled and unscheduled physical examinations, shots, immunizations, dental work, eye exams; seat belts, field and water safety –all these are but examples in this reference.9). She has been satisfied with “make –do”, “hand –me –down” clothing and other necessities for the children in order to cut costs and conserve resources, and to treat all three fairly and equally. 10). Legion will make and take time to have friends associate with her children. Keeping well –trained pets in the home adds to this “bit of happiness” for her boys and their friends. Respectfully submitted,” And then both my parents, Mehitable True and AmTaham True, each signed the letter separately. Since Mehitable is legally blind it is not possible that she typed this; and Irecognize all over it anyhow my father’s text, not the least of which humorously enough, of course, is the exact description of the gun he bequeathed to Zane! So he not only typed it, AmTaham created it, too. Never has there been in all of Acts One, Two or Three –because I nowknow ... there never would have needed to be –for endorsing, let alone,for ‘protecting’ Herry’s parental fathering role ––there never would have needed to be one such document like AmTaham’s had been for me ––... so never has there ever been such a written, defensive –like submission to The Court nor to any one of the some 25 total judges (almost all of whom –that is, 24 of whom were male ––except for, of course!!!thatlone, token female appellate one who had penned the scathing but, naturally, ... powerless ... six –page dissentience, JudgePatsy Shawshank) formally involved of such a sworn –to or affirmed letterby Juggern AutMisein, the androcentrically tyrannical patriarch of that entire passel of Edinsmaiers, let alone onefrom him detailing and defending the fatherly capabilities and traits of one of thosehalf dozen male children of Detanimod’s, Herod. Not one word from Juggern, then still an Ancestor in Training, Detanimod being, of course, long driven quite well –deadand so, by the time of the opening of any Act, already an Ancestor! With frumpy little Miss Cherry Canard charmed right into his back pocket, thievingand thuggish and perverted Herry –Daddee Edinsmaier found himself more than very well –positioned then to notsecure physical care custody of Jesse, Mirzah and Zane at all –but to so make it all out to look like that was exactly what he so badly wanted. Attorney Jazzy Jinx was quite correct on calling this one. With Herry so very well –positioned to obtain nothing more than his escape from all accountabilityfor the Truemaier Boys’ primary care and upbringing and for his takingonly the Joy Toy Boy fun of acting like their 17 –year –old, older bro with, therefore, none of the real workof parenting at all, why, the orchestral music decrescendoed before the opening of the curtain on Act One, Trial One. And the Overture of the Opera, “We Were Mothers Once, and Young,” concluded.


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