219This ‘we employ’ thing? “I, it was I, wasn’t it Herry, who did absolutely allof the arranging for childcare? Never the fuck was it ever you!” Never the fuck any sort of ‘we’ about ANYpart of the 26 in –home childcare provider–hires and six daycare facilities over 11 years’ worth, was there now ...was there a ‘we’ to doing anyof that childcare arranging! Truthfully, Herry?!Was there?!And the expression of desire to go to Missouri? This is juuuust choice this particular lie so is! Herry brought this up, and he fucking brought it up first! “Big reason why, too, isn’t there, Herry? Why you so desperately wanted to leave Pennsylvania and moveto Missouri, isn’t there?––Right there in the very middle of your medical residency program?!?When hardly any such level of resident ever, ever does that?!? Anywhere?!? There is a biiiig, big reason whyyouwanted that, isn’t there, Slacker Herry?But how come, Herry, how come you didnottell Judge Seizor how it was that Dr. Shark –your supervi...