One EXALTED Spermatozoon

Yeah, the Middle America at where a Patriarch I used to know, with 12 children birthed out of one rurally isolated and 14 times' pregnant - woman ( from his Gilead - style patriarch's pokings of her ), merely COMMANDED Gilead - style within the springtime of y1976, a coerced / a forced / an ENTRAPPED mawwiage of his son TO ... ... that son's similarly poked handmaid = me. Proposal of mawwiage to ME ? = Fuck. T R U L Y ... ... what was it THEN ? ... ... IT was a D E S P O T I C DICTUM. A MOTHER - FUCKING. Proposal of mawwiage to ME ? = Ha. T R U L Y ... ... what was it THEN ? ... ... IT was a D E S P O T I C DICTUM. ENTRAPPED = Ofherod = by PATRIARCHY, its religioning / its ONE exalted spermatozoon 48 YEARS AGO ... ... NOW = this y2024 - year = F O R C E D / COERCED mawwiaging ... ... S A M E AS W O R L D W I D E: My ex - father - in - law* BEFORE there was A Thing " Legal " had ALREADY laid CLAIM TO the babe withIN .MY. uterus = TO .MY. pregnancy. IN the USA ... ... and not some other patriarchy or androcentrism. Its Sperm Source* is not the first man I had had. I am 28 years old. But, o'course, I am ... ... f e m a l e. And fecund. March y1976 = the date Iowa State University's Memorial Union meeting room = the venue straight - A, second - year VETERINARY MEDICAL student = ME ME: " But there isn't going to BE a marriage. " X - F I L ragingly rose straight up, faced TO The Thin Air, did NOT AT ALL address me, me ... ... nothing more to him than his son's* HANDMAID and B O O M E D: " O YES ! THERE IS ! " THAT was, indeed, THAT. Patriarchal - / GILEAD - C L A I M had gone down. One EXALTED spermatozoon. And there WAS a mawwiage. F O R C E D. COERCED. JUST LIKE within other patriarchies Worldwide. And THEIR APROVECHAR - T A K I N G of that first babe. And THEIR APROVECHAR - T A K I N G, later on, of TWO MORE babes. SAME as the C O N T R O L within nearly ALL religions of ages' old. TAKERS = ALL with NOOOO LIMITS. PATRIARCHY. WORLDWIDE. *...... those two, TA K I N G Gilead Commanders ? = despotically domineering, p a t r i a r c h a l Roman Catholics, the adult son = the Sperm Source l i t e r a l l y .t h a t. = his literally b e g i n n i n g to attend its religious services ... ... just h o u r s before the very first hearing in re .MY. three little ones' custody. the O P E R A: We Were Mothers Once, and Young ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Same USA's Sperm Source - Commander - Patriarch - CRIMINAL. 22 August y1995 / Tuesday: three CRIMES = i) CHILD ENDANGERMENT xthree MINOR children, ii) HOME INVASION of woman's private residence ( of course, NO asking and NO consent even sought ) and iii) THEFT / BURGLARY. FOURTH RUTHLESS, D E S P O T I C A L L Y - / APROVENCHAR - .T A K I N G. BY ... ... a MEDICAL DOCTOR: PUTTING THOSE TWO S T O L E N / BURGLED LONG, HUNTING GUNS IN TO the LITERAL HANDS and POSSESSION of THREE MINOR CHILDREN. CLEAN, S L I C K AWAY WITH ALL OF THESE CRIMES BY ( HIS MASSIVELY FAMILY MEMBERS' ENABLED - ) PATRIARCH. pp488 - 509 of Chapter 29's " That Woman Deserves Her Revenge " within Mother - Fucking: the Saga of One Fucked Mother // ... ... SAME as the C O N T R O L within nearly ALL religions = C R I M I N A L S of ages' old. T A K E R S = ALL with NOOOO LIMITS. PATRIARCHY. WORLDWIDE. I scream, " WHERE IS THE OUTRAGE ? "


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