i) Rachel and I are NOOOOT fooled. ii) ... ... We WARRIORS could call it the " Do NOT Call Me Mama - Holiday " or something L E S S warring - like ... ... since I am a pacifist actually ( and loathe warring - like words ). Yes. HANDMAIDS' MEMORIAL HOLIDAY ( cuz ... ... OURS is A L L of ANY calendars' days. Yes. ) Anyhow, We Such OUR CHILDREN DENIED - Women DESERVE this publicity. I am angered when told to " just move on " and " get over it " and " forgive and forget " ... ... WHEN HUGE NUMBERS of actual WARRING KILLERS at their ages of 60 and 70 and 80 and 90 and 100+ ALWAYS.ALWAYS NOT ONLY HAVE T W O ( American ) HOLIDAYS for their y o u n g e r killing times BUT ALSO GET, AT THEIR OLDEST OLD - AGES, ... ... to KEEP BRINGING IT UP to the PUBLIC. WE MOTHERS SHOULD DO THE SAME THING. Over and over and over. WE should TAKE OVER the END of ALL of the " LOVELY " MAY MONTHS NOW and IN ALL FUTURE YEARS' WORTH of MAY MONTHS. TILL WE CAN C L A I M JURIES for CUSTODY DECISIONS and PUT SINGLE JUDGES B A C K... ... BACK, ALONE, into their fancy mahogany and leather chambers' P A T R I A R C H Y. WORLDWIDE. O U R HOLIDAY L O G O =
iii) Proposal of mawwiage to ME ? = Ha. T R U L Y what then ? ... ... IT was a D E S P O T I C DICTUM. ENTRAPPED = Ofherod = by PATRIARCHY, its religioning / its ONE exalted spermatozoon 47 YEARS AGO ... ... NOW = this y2023 - SPRINGTIME = F O R C E D / COERCED mawwiaging ... ... S A M E AS WORLDWIDE: My ex - father - in - law* BEFORE there was A Thing " Legal " had ALREADY laid CLAIM TO the babe withIN .MY. uterus = TO .MY. pregnancy. IN the USA ... ... and not some other patriarchy or androcentrism. Its Sperm Source* is not the first man I had had. I am 28 years old. But, o'course, I am ... ... f e m a l e. And fecund. March y1976 = the date Iowa State University's Memorial Union meeting room = the venue straight - A, second - year VETERINARY MEDICAL student = ME ME: " But there isn't going to BE a marriage. " X - F I L ragingly rose straight up, faced TO The Thin Air, did NOT AT ALL address me, me ... ... nothing more to him than his son's* HANDMAID and B O O M E D: " O YES ! THERE IS ! " THAT was, indeed, THAT. Patriarchal - / GILEAD - C L A I M had gone down. One EXALTED spermatozoon. And there WAS a mawwiage. F O R C E D. COERCED. JUST LIKE within other patriarchies Worldwide. And THEIR APROVECHAR - T A K I N G of that first babe. And THEIR APROVECHAR - T A K I N G, later on, of TWO MORE babes. SAME as the C O N T R O L within nearly ALL religions of ages' old. TAKERS = ALL with NOOOO LIMITS. Patriarchy. Worldwide. *...... those two, TA K I N G Gilead Commanders ? = despotically domineering, p a t r i a r c h a l Roman Catholics, the adult son = the Sperm Source l i t e r a l l y .t h a t. = his literally b e g i n n i n g to attend its religious services ... ... just h o u r s before the very first hearing in re .MY. three little ones' custody. the O P E R A: We Were Mothers Once, and Young ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Same USA's Sperm Source - Commander - Patriarch - CRIMINAL. 22 August y1995 / Tuesday: three CRIMES = i) CHILD ENDANGERMENT xthree children, ii) HOME INVASION of woman's private residence ( of course, NO asking and NO consent ) and iii) THEFT / BURGLARY. FOURTH RUTHLESS, D E S P O T I C A L L Y - / APROVENCHAR - .T A K I N G. BY ... ... a MEDICAL DOCTOR: PUTTING THOSE TWO S T O L E N / BURGLED LONG, HUNTING GUNS IN TO the LITERAL HANDS and POSSESSION of THREE MINOR CHILDREN. CLEAN, S L I C K AWAY WITH ALL OF THESE CRIMES BY ( HIS MASSIVELY FAMILY MEMBERS' ENABLED - ) PATRIARCH. pp488 - 509 of Chapter 29's " That Woman Deserves Her Revenge " within Mother - Fucking: the Saga of One Fucked Mother // https://bluemaas.blogspot.com/.../chapter-twenty-nine... ... ... SAME as the C O N T R O L within nearly ALL religions = C R I M I N A L S of ages' old. T A K E R S = ALL with NOOOO LIMITS. Patriarchy. Worldwide. I scream, " WHERE IS THE OUTRAGE ? " iv) " To say that straight men are heterosexual is only to say that they engage in sex (fucking exclusively with the other sex, i.e., women). All or almost all of that which pertains to love, most straight men reserve exclusively for other men. The people whom they admire, respect, adore, revere, honor, whom they imitate, idolize, and form profound attachments to, whom they are willing to teach and from whom they are willing to learn, and whose respect, admiration, recognition, honor, reverence and love they desire ... ... those are, overwhelmingly, other men. In their relations with women, what passes for respect is kindness, generosity or paternalism; what passes for honor is removal to the pedestal. From women they want devotion, service and sex. Heterosexual male culture is homoerotic; it is man - loving. " ... ... Dr Marilyn Frye, The Politics Of Reality. p133, y1983 Dr Frye's words are merely CODE for " her FULL attention TO the Commanding Patriarch, her W O R K including the Sperm Source's children and ' HIS ' - patriarchal home, and HIS T A K I N G of orgasms for HIMself. ... ... ONLY. "


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