" Mothers: the Custody Crisis is not being caused by judges unwittingly giving custody to abusers, but by judges d e l i b e r a t e l y switching custody to fathers. Fight the real cause of the crisis: systemic male entitlement. " = PATRIARCHY
Family Courts and Child Custody Are Biased Against Women, Not Men Abusive men are more likely to win custody, and men win up to 93% of custody cases
Zawn Villines Dec 1, 2022 https://zawn.substack.com/p/family-courts-and-child-custody-are?r=iyakh&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&fbclid=IwAR2fUsnevZpwo11FPwNLcO8l6ruH0pFpTDJDOqGYsA0V-Yw4SrgF8sBb-Rw
I know so many men who have fought for custody of their children. All of them have won at least joint custody. And in all cases, a strange thing happens after their win: They begin complaining that the custody system is biased—a system that worked to get them the outcome they wanted.
This is what male entitlement looks like: not only should you get what you want; you should get it by default, without having to work for it. This entitlement birthed the myth of a family court system biased against men.
The data paints a different portrait. No matter how you assess family court proceedings, women are at a substantial disadvantage, and men who fight for custody almost always get it.
Men don’t want to parent their children until they get divorced Mothers spend roughly double the amount of time per week caring for their children that fathers do, and this figure does not take into account indirect care, like packing lunches and emailing about play dates. An equitable family court system would base custody awards on the time parents actually spend with their children.
A fundamental disruption in the child’s life and expectations to serve a selfish father, however, seems to be the main goal. States across the country have moved to make joint custody the default. So a man can invest almost nothing in his kids, force his wife to do free labor for years (all the while insisting that she’s just better at it), then do an about face and take his kids from their primary caretaker and use the child custody system to ensure that all the free labor she’s done for him for years puts her at a long-term economic disadvantage.
Men rarely seek custody of their children Men do less childcare, less parenting, less household labor, less of everything that is involved in tending to a child. So it should come as no surprise that this does not change after divorce. In 91% of custody cases, the parents mutually decide to give custody to the mother. Fathers fight for custody in court in less than 4% of divorces. Twenty-seven percent of fathers completely abandon their children after divorce.
Men who seek custody are more likely than not to get it Fathers who fight for custody typically get it. Even 30 years ago, 94% of fathers who sought custody got sole or joint custody. Abusive fathers are especially successful. Seventy-two percent win their custody cases. In one study where both parents fought hard for custody, mothers were awarded custody just 7% of the time. Only in a patriarchal society does a 93% win rate somehow equate to male victimhood.
Courts happily place children with documented male abusers, and women lose custody when they report abuse Dozens of children have been killed by abusive fathers; hundreds more women are eventually murdered by abusive ex-spouses. Despite this, family courts tend to discount even extreme cases of domestic violence. In one review, researchers found that, even in cases of proven, documented violence, family courts aimed to maximize children’s time with fathers, disregarding the danger to children. Mothers pay more child support than fathers Using the courts as a tool of male entitlement =
Family Courts and Child Custody Are Biased Against Women, N O T Men Abusive men are more likely to win custody, and men win up to 93% of custody cases Zawn Villines Dec 1, 2022 https://zawn.substack.com/p/family-courts-and-child-custody-are?r=iyakh&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&fbclid=IwAR2fUsnevZpwo11FPwNLcO8l6ruH0pFpTDJDOqGYsA0V-Yw4SrgF8sBb-Rw I know so many men who have fought for custody of their children. All of them have won at least joint custody. And in all cases, a strange thing happens after their win: They begin complaining that the custody system is biased—a system that worked to get them the outcome they wanted. This is what male entitlement looks like: not only should you get what you want; you should get it by default, without having to work for it. This entitlement birthed the myth of a family court system biased against men. The data paints a different portrait. No matter how you assess family court proceedings, women are at a substantial disadvan...
FROM 20 and 21 November y2022's WHY EVOLUTION IS TRUE / whyevolutionistrue.com posts, , these PATRIARCHS, thiiiin - skinned, ARE c l o s e t e d misogynists and sexists. They KNOW that they ARE misogynists and sexists. AND pretend N O T to be such. Cuz being SO ... ... is no longer The WAY ... ... to A C T U A L L Y / " ACCEPTEDLY " ... ... BE ! Thus, CLOSETED THEY R E M A I N. ============================================================== Ofherod, Commander Herod Edinsmaier ( re iamSnide )'s Handmaid November 20, 2022 at 2:30 pm A personal friend ? An earned doctorate for this person; thus, Dr Hossenfelder or Hossenfelder. Blue ============================================================== Reply whyevolutionistrue November 20, 2022 at 2:38 pm Give me a break and don’t tell me what how I should write people’s names. You can use titles on your own site if you have one. I call Trump “Donald” and Biden “Joe”, so I can call her “Sabine” if I want. ==...
When I was recently asked what had been the event circa the y1976 - " proposal " of mawwiage to me, I suddenly, now, have had T H E utterly REPRESSED MEMORY of THUS = Yeah, the Middle America at where a Patriarch I used to know, with 12 children birthed out of one rurally isolated and 14 times' pregnant - woman ( from his Gilead - style patriarch's pokings of her ), merely COMMANDED Gilead - style within the springtime of y1976, a coerced / a forced / an ENTRAPPED mawwiage of his son TO ... ... that son's similarly poked handmaid = me. Proposal of mawwiage to ME ? = Fuck. T R U L Y ... ... what was it THEN ? ... ... IT was a D E S P O T I C DICTUM. a MOTHER - FUCKING. Proposal of mawwiage to ME ? = Ha. T R U L Y ... ... what was it THEN ? ... ... IT was a D E S P O T I C DICTUM. ENTRAPPED = Ofherod = by PATRIARCHY, its religioning / its ONE exalted spermatozoon 48 YEARS AGO ... ... NOW = this y2024 - year = F O R C E D / COERCED maw...
JOIN the $500,000,000.00 lawsuit against the patriarchy = https://www.womenscoalitioninternational.org
ReplyDelete" Mothers: the Custody Crisis is not being caused
ReplyDeleteby judges unwittingly giving custody to abusers,
but by judges d e l i b e r a t e l y switching custody to fathers.
Fight the real cause of the crisis:
systemic male entitlement. " = PATRIARCHY
Family Courts and Child Custody Are Biased Against Women, Not Men
ReplyDeleteAbusive men are more likely to win custody, and men win up to 93% of custody cases
Zawn Villines
Dec 1, 2022
I know so many men who have fought for custody of their children. All of them have won at least joint custody. And in all cases, a strange thing happens after their win: They begin complaining that the custody system is biased—a system that worked to get them the outcome they wanted.
This is what male entitlement looks like: not only should you get what you want; you should get it by default, without having to work for it. This entitlement birthed the myth of a family court system biased against men.
The data paints a different portrait. No matter how you assess family court proceedings, women are at a substantial disadvantage, and men who fight for custody almost always get it.
Men don’t want to parent their children until they get divorced
Mothers spend roughly double the amount of time per week caring for their children that fathers do, and this figure does not take into account indirect care, like packing lunches and emailing about play dates. An equitable family court system would base custody awards on the time parents actually spend with their children.
A fundamental disruption in the child’s life and expectations to serve a selfish father, however, seems to be the main goal. States across the country have moved to make joint custody the default. So a man can invest almost nothing in his kids, force his wife to do free labor for years (all the while insisting that she’s just better at it), then do an about face and take his kids from their primary caretaker and use the child custody system to ensure that all the free labor she’s done for him for years puts her at a long-term economic disadvantage.
Men rarely seek custody of their children
Men do less childcare, less parenting, less household labor, less of everything that is involved in tending to a child. So it should come as no surprise that this does not change after divorce. In 91% of custody cases, the parents mutually decide to give custody to the mother. Fathers fight for custody in court in less than 4% of divorces. Twenty-seven percent of fathers completely abandon their children after divorce.
Men who seek custody are more likely than not to get it
Fathers who fight for custody typically get it. Even 30 years ago, 94% of fathers who sought custody got sole or joint custody. Abusive fathers are especially successful. Seventy-two percent win their custody cases. In one study where both parents fought hard for custody, mothers were awarded custody just 7% of the time. Only in a patriarchal society does a 93% win rate somehow equate to male victimhood.
Courts happily place children with documented male abusers, and women lose custody when they report abuse
Dozens of children have been killed by abusive fathers; hundreds more women are eventually murdered by abusive ex-spouses. Despite this, family courts tend to discount even extreme cases of domestic violence. In one review, researchers found that, even in cases of proven, documented violence, family courts aimed to maximize children’s time with fathers, disregarding the danger to children.
Mothers pay more child support than fathers
Using the courts as a tool of male entitlement =