WHAT is ON the " legal " record ... ... ¡ AS IF .that. ever mattered ! ¡ It did N O T !

 ¿ Are you one of the former sociopath * - " teachers " in the United States

who are a c c o u n t a b l e for ... ... making it SO ? ... ... that: ¡ certain
" parents did NOT have The Right TO DENY their children's p l a c e m e n t
in OFF - reservation [ OFF - THEIR - HOME's ] schools ! "
* = withOUT a conscience
Chap 26 = The Opera's Overture
One such document of Herry’s, now officially called 'evidence,' was the counterpart to mine: that essay answer which Mr. Jazzy Jinx had nearly first off asked me to chronicle about my life and submit to him. Herry also wrote an autobiographical statement at Mr. Shindy Scheisser’s behest which on 13 February 1989, became part of 'the case record' too, of course, the Trial One case record filed – coded as #9215 – 8801; and it was called the 'Affidavit of Petitioner.' In its earliest beginning words as in all such subsequently properly entered court documents of the Good and Wonderful Doctor’s, we read thusly, “ I, Herod Edinsmaier, being first duly sworn upon oath do depose and state that I am …” and so forth and so on. So right off, right there. In the very, very beginning.
Taking into account now, You the Jury, You the Audience of Readers, that it is easier to lie to and to deceive in an American court of civil law –– depending upon who you are –– than it is to lie to and to deceive your spouse, your boss, your teacher, your preacher and, some would say, even yourself, one reason for this ease is that the person, the liar, does not have to remember the lies. The actual details of what went out there and when – into the court and the courtroom as statements! Get them said or get them written down and properly court – handled and, voila, –– depending upon who you are (this is the crux), –– your statements become accountable – they become Truth – because they are now testimony under oath that the State and its implementer, daJudge, both reckon as evidence. Must be, huh? Not?
" In 1987, I took a position in Ames. We purchased our first home there. Legion has remained unemployed since we left Manhattan. Since 1987 we have had more 'traditional' roles in our marriage in that I was the sole wage earner and Legion was primarily responsible for the child care responsibilities. However, I still helped with all child rearing responsibilities and enjoyed doing so. I consider the children to be my primary responsibility regardless of my job and how tired I may be, as I am the only Pathologist* in the laboratory in Ames and work long hours. But my first commitment is to my kids. Because the children have been moved so many times, I HAVE MADE A COMMITMENT TO MYSELF, MY CHILDREN, AND MY WIFE THAT WE WOULD STAY IN AMES AND THE CHILDREN WOULD GRADUATE FROM HIGH SCHOOL IN AMES. In order to fulfill that commitment since my wife Legion is unemployed, I have continued to work long hours in order to support my family. ”
Chap 27 = Act One, Part One
... ... we four had had no idea at all about Herry’s supposed commitment to the Boys and me regarding our all staying put right here in Ames throughout, at least, all of their graduations from high school. That 'vow' of Herry’s, of course, would have suited us all mighty fine, but only Judge Seizor had been made so 'conveniently' aware; we four knew squat of this. I wanted no next man; I needed no next man. And for sure, Mr. Jazzy Jinx had so zealously forewarned me that there’d better, fuck never, before, during nor at any time soon after all of these proceedings, … there had better never be any next man whatsoever! So the something to support them with through high school and college would some come from Herry and some come from my going back to work as a veterinary professor –– clinician and researcher and educator, all of that –– just as soon as a new residence was secured and we settled. The dust settled.
By the time the entire Opera was finally finished near the end of 1994, things about this so unadorned idea of mine, that is, of the Truemaier Boys with me and living okay day to day in Ames, were so convoluted and contorted that I couldn’t even recognize my elementary Act One, Part One pleadings. Shit, what am I saying? About recognizing? The very juices of our lifeblood had been so sucked the fuck all out of us four that I for one, I know, wasn’t even breathing.
* " ' only ' Pathologist in Ames " = This, o'course, is just one m o r e
of Daddee - Herry's LIES.
ALWAYS right there at Herry's joint ? even BEFORE Herry started there ... ... as well as LONG after he had left Ames ? Pathologists = Doctors Don Powers and Paul Gryte, both of whom later and separately told me that they thought Herry to be, professionally, " incompetent and lazy " so ... ... Herry had written that he was " the ONLY " one so that NO one out of Storm County courts ' could ' or would ever possibly C H E C K out that particular L I E !

Edinsmaier = " re: I am s n i d e. "
Mehitable = " me hit able. "
Detanimod = " d o m i n a t e d. "


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