" A cruel edge: The painful truth about today’s pornography — and what men can do about it "

* including ... ... MEDICAL DOCTORS * as, say, upon Sunday morning times // per Dr Robert W Jensen " A cruel edge: The painful truth about today’s pornography — and what men can do about it " – Dr ROBERT JENSEN " WHEN A WOMAN GOES IN FRONT OF A MALE JUDGE WHO THE NIGHT BEFORE ... ... was watching “Sopornos #4,” DOES SHE WANT to throw herself on the mercy of the court? But some will argue: How can you assume that just because men watch such things they will act in a callous and cruel manner, sexually or otherwise? It is true that the connection between mass-media exposure and human behavior is complex and not well understood. Social scientists, like most experts, argue both sides. I think the evidence clearly shows that in some cases pornography influences men’s sexual behavior. But whatever one’s view on that, this fact is not in question: Lots of men — including * PROFESSORS, BANKERS, and J U D G E S * — pay money to watch those images and masturbate to orgasm watching those images. And they aren’t simply images of sex. Often they are images of MEN BEING SEXUALLY CRUEL TOWARD WOMEN. If you are a woman, ask this: Do you want to seek out such a man as a partner? If you are a man, ask this: When seeking a woman as a partner, WOULD YOU ADVERTISE THAT YOU ENJOY THESE IMAGES? Why not? "


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