" A cruel edge: The painful truth about today’s pornography — and what men can do about it "
* including ... ... MEDICAL DOCTORS * as, say, upon Sunday morning times // per Dr Robert W Jensen " A cruel edge: The painful truth about today’s pornography — and what men can do about it " – Dr ROBERT JENSEN " WHEN A WOMAN GOES IN FRONT OF A MALE JUDGE WHO THE NIGHT BEFORE ... ... was watching “Sopornos #4,” DOES SHE WANT to throw herself on the mercy of the court? But some will argue: How can you assume that just because men watch such things they will act in a callous and cruel manner, sexually or otherwise? It is true that the connection between mass-media exposure and human behavior is complex and not well understood. Social scientists, like most experts, argue both sides. I think the evidence clearly shows that in some cases pornography influences men’s sexual behavior. But whatever one’s view on that, this fact is not in question: Lots of men — including * PROFESSORS, BANKERS, and J U D G E S * — pay money to watch those images and masturbate to orgasm watch...