WHY Gilead COMMANDING PATRIARCHS GET A L L: Yeah: what is her name ?
The Custody Crisis is the epidemic of judges switching custody of children from good, loving mothers to controlling, abusive and self-serving fathers. On the other hand, there is no epidemic of judges switching custody from good, loving fathers to controlling, abusive and self-serving mothers.
Therefore, the crisis is a gendered issue: a women’s issue. "
Yeah: what is her name ? The name of the " controlling, abusive and self - serving mother " who was the TAKER ... ... getting the children way - away from their good and loving father ? Who is this woman ?
The Custody Crisis: Why It's Happening &
How We Can End It
“The Custody Crisis: Why It's Happening & How We Can End It” is a powerpoint presentation that describes the nature of the Custody Crisis and a solution for stopping it. This is the first time it’s been featured on the Women’s Coalition News and Views Substack platform, but it has gotten nearly 50K views on Facebook and 5K on Youtube.
If you’re a new mother to the Crisis and Coalition, hopefully this video will help you understand that the reason you lost custody was not your fault, not because you did anything wrong or something you didn’t do right. It was not because you didn’t have money for an attorney and your ex did. It was not because your ex had connections and you didn’t. Watch the video for an in-depth explanation of the real reason…
If you’ve already seen this video a while ago, you might want to check it out again and start a discussion with other mothers and friends and family about the discrimination mothers face in Family Court when attempting to keep custody or protect their children. Activism can play an important role in dealing with and healing from Family-Court-induced trauma.
The Custody Crisis is the epidemic of judges switching custody of children from good, loving mothers to controlling, abusive and self-serving fathers. On the other hand, there is no epidemic of judges switching custody from good, loving fathers to controlling, abusive and self-serving mothers.
Therefore, the crisis is a gendered issue: a women’s issue.
Custody Crisis cases follow a documented pattern in which judges use many of the same tactics. Some of the most common are:
appoint custody evaluators, attorneys for children, mental health professionals, mediators, and others who steer the case to the father
discredit women’s and children’s reports of abuse
falsely find mothers to be lying, alienating and mentally ill
appoint therapists to coerce children to recant/be silent about abuse
allow fathers to alienate children from mothers
punish women by placing them in contempt and jailing them
oppress women by getting the District Attorney to file criminal charges
silence women by issuing gag orders that keep the public in the dark
Family Court is the main staging grounds for the Old Boy Network [OBN] agenda of continuing age-old male power and entitlement in the family, i.e. persisting patriarchy. Although, CPS, law enforcement, district attorneys and criminal courts also uphold this male prerogative and often aid and abet Family Court judges.
Judges are able to switch custody to fathers who don’t deserve it or who are abusive because Family Court is designed so they can disregard facts, evidence, research, law, and rights. And they can make false findings that mothers a are lying, alienating or mentally ill. In other words, judges can deceive, distort and outright lie and there is no way to them accountable.
In order to end the crisis, the core cause—systemic male entitlement—must be eliminated. The only way to do that is to implement a new system in which judges do not have the power to entitle and empower fathers by giving them custody.
Custody cases should be removed from Family Court and heard in a regular civil court with a jury. This is the only way to get a fair trial and that is the least society can do to ensure children’s safety and well-being.
NOTE: The local coalitions referred to have been on hold due to covid, but will resume sometime in the near future. Feel free to sign up at: WomensCoalitionInternational.org. In the meantime, we continue to raise awareness about the crisis through social media and this Substack platform.
The Women’s Coalition is documenting two kinds of cases to support our contention that judges are deliberately disregarding and covering up abuse. Please fill out a form if you have been impacted. You may remain anonymous.
Cases in which judges have disregarded or concealed evidence of sexual abuse:
And cases in which judges have caused children to recant abuse and/or be alienated:
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