WHAT I Get To Expect = NO A C C O U N T A B I L I T Y

USA's Memorial Day = is fine IF you are a warring man.  Such a man, for decades and for decades and for decades, until he is the oldest - old and dead, CAN ... ... wax ON and ON and ON 'bout his warrior - ing ... ... ad nauseum.

BUT soooo NOT fine IF you are a ( Worldwide ) family court warrior - mama.  She canNOT even let ANYONE know that she is withOUT HER babes ... ... Character Ms June Osborn, the Handmaid Offred and Ofjoseph both, TO Character Ms Serena Waterford, Gilead Commander's / Fred's Wife:  " Know why God made you pregnant ?  SO that when HE kills that babe withIN your womb, you will feel JUST A FRACTION of THE PAIN THAT YOU HAVE CAUSED US ... ... WHEN YOU TORE OUR CHILDREN FROM OUR ARMS. "  Handmaid's Tale, s4e7, @~38:23 of its video.

I LOATHE USA's Memorial Day.   Year after year after year.  I am silent.  

Mother – Fucking:

The Saga of One Fucked Mother




“Even if I am a Minority of One, the Truth is still the Truth.”

--- Mohandas K. Gandhi



True it is.  O, so head – bangingly true it is!  No one else ever thinks that your passions and your struggles are anywhere near as fantastically important as you yourself think that they are.  You can write letters to the editor, you can give speeches, even just little, daily ones, to anyone who’ll listen, you can send a passel of   e – mail transmissions to folks who are glad to hear from you and to the ones who never want to hear from you.  It doesn’t make a bit of difference. 


And so starts this one today.  This story.  This passion, this struggle I want to set down on paper before I am dead.  This one of mine.  A Friend from Bear Creek Meeting a smidgen north of Earlham said to me just yesterday that now is the time.  She is sooooo right, she is.  I motored my old and dusty, little black Nissan pickup with the single mattress and some raggedy blankets and pillows in the back down there to the Third Annual Native American Gathering that has finally brought The Music back to Dallas County.  My Friend accepted the charge of the hearth and all the gathering in of the foodstuffs for the weekend as she had done for the Celebrations the two previous Septembers.  When she calmly mentioned that it had taken so many, many more years than just the last three, actually over a decade at least, to get the last three going and off – or on to – the ground at all, that it just hadn’t been the right time before 1998, it hit me. 


It is the right time.  So right the time is.   And yet no one now breathing, I am certain of it, will ever feel the level of magnitude and impact about The Dance of mine that I am about to boogie on down out of this keyboard as I have felt it.  My Daddy would have.  But for the fact that he is, well, … a memory.  He is, that is, one not now breathing.  Would have felt, Daddy would have, on the order of the hero of that who - has – all – the - power – over – whom movie, Amistad.  I am sorry that I cannot recall his name; but when he is asked by some white guy, who acts like he wants ‘to help’, if he, the black guy, is going ‘to be all right’ in his prison cell after being forced there until his ‘owner’ can be located, he matter - of - factly replies, “O, me?  I’ll be just fine.  I’ll … I’ll be just fine.  My ancestors are with me.”   Daddy has always been right there, immediately right there, for me, sometimes literally running his lanky, bony legs off that held up his not – nearly – as  – strong cardiac muscle; and he still is.  I have to thank him right now for that because, like the Amistad hero continues, “The only reason they ever were, my ancestors? --- The only reason that they ever were … is --- for me now.”  Daddy would wholeheartedly agree.  No matter how much Daddy was when he walked on this Planet, and I will get to that later on, that is, about just how much Daddy was … No matter how much he was when he was breathing, his only purpose then or since, he would agree, is --- for me now.  That is the Legacy upon which I start to write this down today.


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