WHAT I Get To Expect = NO A C C O U N T A B I L I T Y

USA's Memorial Day = is fine IF you are a warring man. Such a man, for decades and for decades and for decades, until he is the oldest - old and dead, CAN ... ... wax ON and ON and ON 'bout his warrior - ing ... ... ad nauseum. BUT soooo NOT fine IF you are a ( Worldwide ) family court warrior - mama. She canNOT even let ANYONE know that she is withOUT HER babes ... ... Character Ms June Osborn, the Handmaid Offred and Ofjoseph both, TO Character Ms Serena Waterford, Gilead Commander's / Fred's Wife: " Know why God made you pregnant ? SO that when HE kills that babe withIN your womb, you will feel JUST A FRACTION of THE PAIN THAT YOU HAVE CAUSED US ... ... WHEN YOU TORE OUR CHILDREN FROM OUR ARMS. " Handmaid's Tale , s4e7, @~38:23 of its video. I LOATHE USA's Memorial Day. Year after year after year. I am silent. Mother – Fucking: The Saga of One Fucked Mother Prologue “Even if I am a Minority of One, the Truth is...