24 October 2020  //  Saturday

The book, Mother - Fucking:  the Saga of One Fucked Mother 

        with subtitle of the O P E R A:  We Were Mothers Once and Young 

has long been moved to https://bluemaas.blogspot.com.

Ignore there thus, " There's nothing here. "  Instead, click on " MORE " for it.

It is not a piece to be enjoyed.  Just to be ... ... k n o w n.  Yeah.

Yeah.  When such people come in to one's life and, then, themselves become known,

these people and all who follow and 'like' them, their knowing w h o they actually are ?

These people are then to be denounced, renounced and shunned.

If they are not, then one is also not only 'like' them but also ... ... one raging hypocrite.



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