MOTHER - FUCKING for Decades and Decades
Family Courts and Child Custody Are Biased Against Women, N O T Men Abusive men are more likely to win custody, and men win up to 93% of custody cases Zawn Villines Dec 1, 2022 I know so many men who have fought for custody of their children. All of them have won at least joint custody. And in all cases, a strange thing happens after their win: They begin complaining that the custody system is biased—a system that worked to get them the outcome they wanted. This is what male entitlement looks like: not only should you get what you want; you should get it by default, without having to work for it. This entitlement birthed the myth of a family court system biased against men. The data paints a different portrait. No matter how you assess family court proceedings, women are at a substantial disadvan...