
Showing posts from February, 2021

FIVE Lives, I N T E R R U P T E D: Legion, Mirzah, Jesse, Zane, AmTaham

AmTaham = " m a h a T m A. " from Chapter Eighteen:  The Company One's Mind Keeps "   AmTaham never, as regards the three children of his that were female, sold them out to the holocaustic domination of the male – supremacist society that he so very, very easily could have.     And, specifically,  he did not, for the sake of his own glorification in their eyes or his colossal desire to be in his Truemaier grandsons’ lives, betray me, his own child, to the man Herry, who held the keys, literally, to AmTaham’s access to Zane, Jesse and Mirzah.  He up and fell down dead, AmTaham did, on Monday, 30 March 1992, crossing into his so well – earned role of Righteous Ancestor without ever seeing or touching his Truemaier grandsons one last,  promised  time mid October 1991– rather than break his stance and pledge of loyalty to me, his own belovéd daughter.    So when Zane declared to us all that his History Day film subject was to be hi...
 03 February y2021  //  Wednesday Flipped / reversed and in re the data* of, literally, every single mama whom I have known over seven decades’ time ? Not one is threatened by all of the men in her life .never acknowledging at all. … … all of her UNpaid home care which she routinely does. Over and over. Hourly, weekly, whenever. Pissed she may be but certainly not threatened in re not being the slightest acknowledged in re it all … … is she. Usually ? Usually in re her résumé, she is shut up. Just quiet. About ALL of it. ALL. She should be. She should be threatened. By its NONacknowledgement. Within family law court – judges’ deciding not just childcare custody but also .ALL. parental rights ? Actual data of y1988, through y1994: 23 out of 24 judges who are men decide against the mother, true story, giving over to the kiddos’ EXALTED sperm source literally .ALL. control of the children and, also, whether she can or cannot have any visitation or telephone calls or any othe...